
252 lines
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2016-04-21 12:15:34 +02:00
NAME = tvial/docker-mailserver:testing
2015-10-18 21:02:46 +02:00
debian stretch slim (#784) * Switch to stretch-slim as base image. - first step correct the testdata, as newer packages are more strict about the mail-structure. * Switch to stretch-slim: correcting the test-environment and the build - add missing build-step to make - clean the userdb aswell - use timeout of netcat, as postgrey would not close the connection - there is 2 extra mail-logs -> assert_output 5 - cosmetic: use "" instead of '' * Switch to stretch-slim: new image: - smaller size - 0 CVEs compared to 11 CVEs in ubuntu 16.04 Image better backport situation - postfix 3.1.6 vs 3.1.0 - fail2ban 0.9.6 vs 0.9.3 ... changes needed because of stretch-slim: - add missing gnupg and iproute2 package - remove non-free rar, unrar-free should do - rsyslog does not add syslog user and has different conf-structure - pyzor command discover was deprecated and is missing in the new stretch package - dovecot does not know SSLv2 anymore. removed because of warnings in log - iptables does not know imap3, IMAP working group chose imap2 in favor of imap3 * Switch to debian stretch slim: SSLv2 seems to be a not known protocol anymore - good! * switch to debian stretch slim: make this test more stable. there might be more than only one mail.log (, mail.warn, ...) * switch to debian stretc slim: new openssl 1.1.0 needs stronger ciphers, removed some weekers ones. Please, look through the new list of cipher! this needs to be done in another commit for all other SSL/TLS-Endpoints aswell. * Switch to debian stretch slim: let our server pre-empt the cipher list. Did a read through, wwwDOTpostfixDOTorg/FORWARD_SECRECY_READMEDOThtml and wwwDOTpostfixDOTorg/TLS_READMEDOThtml * Switch to debian stretch slim: lets give this openssl-based test a new and independent but identical container. many other test on the main 'mail' container might interfere here. * Switch to debian stretch slim: remove unused lines
2017-12-31 12:33:48 +01:00
all: build-no-cache generate-accounts run generate-accounts-after-run fixtures tests clean
all-fast: build generate-accounts run generate-accounts-after-run fixtures tests clean
no-build: generate-accounts run generate-accounts-after-run fixtures tests clean
cd test/docker-openldap/ && docker build -f Dockerfile -t ldap --no-cache .
2016-04-15 15:54:07 +02:00
docker build --no-cache -t $(NAME) .
2015-10-18 21:02:46 +02:00
cd test/docker-openldap/ && docker build -f Dockerfile -t ldap .
docker build -t $(NAME) .
2015-10-18 21:02:46 +02:00
2016-06-14 13:00:51 +02:00
docker run --rm -e MAIL_USER=user1@localhost.localdomain -e MAIL_PASS=mypassword -t $(NAME) /bin/sh -c 'echo "$$MAIL_USER|$$(doveadm pw -s SHA512-CRYPT -u $$MAIL_USER -p $$MAIL_PASS)"' > test/config/
docker run --rm -e MAIL_USER=user2@otherdomain.tld -e MAIL_PASS=mypassword -t $(NAME) /bin/sh -c 'echo "$$MAIL_USER|$$(doveadm pw -s SHA512-CRYPT -u $$MAIL_USER -p $$MAIL_PASS)"' >> test/config/
2015-10-18 21:02:46 +02:00
2016-01-23 23:51:09 +01:00
# Run containers
docker run -d --name mail \
-v "`pwd`/test/config":/tmp/docker-mailserver \
2016-04-21 01:08:14 +02:00
-v "`pwd`/test":/tmp/docker-mailserver-test \
2016-05-24 08:21:18 +02:00
-v "`pwd`/test/onedir":/var/mail-state \
-e SA_TAG=-5.0 \
-e SA_TAG2=2.0 \
-e SA_KILL=3.0 \
2016-07-23 19:54:10 +02:00
-e SASL_PASSWD=" username:password" \
--cap-add=SYS_PTRACE \
-e DMS_DEBUG=0 \
-h -t $(NAME)
sleep 15
debian stretch slim (#784) * Switch to stretch-slim as base image. - first step correct the testdata, as newer packages are more strict about the mail-structure. * Switch to stretch-slim: correcting the test-environment and the build - add missing build-step to make - clean the userdb aswell - use timeout of netcat, as postgrey would not close the connection - there is 2 extra mail-logs -> assert_output 5 - cosmetic: use "" instead of '' * Switch to stretch-slim: new image: - smaller size - 0 CVEs compared to 11 CVEs in ubuntu 16.04 Image better backport situation - postfix 3.1.6 vs 3.1.0 - fail2ban 0.9.6 vs 0.9.3 ... changes needed because of stretch-slim: - add missing gnupg and iproute2 package - remove non-free rar, unrar-free should do - rsyslog does not add syslog user and has different conf-structure - pyzor command discover was deprecated and is missing in the new stretch package - dovecot does not know SSLv2 anymore. removed because of warnings in log - iptables does not know imap3, IMAP working group chose imap2 in favor of imap3 * Switch to debian stretch slim: SSLv2 seems to be a not known protocol anymore - good! * switch to debian stretch slim: make this test more stable. there might be more than only one mail.log (, mail.warn, ...) * switch to debian stretc slim: new openssl 1.1.0 needs stronger ciphers, removed some weekers ones. Please, look through the new list of cipher! this needs to be done in another commit for all other SSL/TLS-Endpoints aswell. * Switch to debian stretch slim: let our server pre-empt the cipher list. Did a read through, wwwDOTpostfixDOTorg/FORWARD_SECRECY_READMEDOThtml and wwwDOTpostfixDOTorg/TLS_READMEDOThtml * Switch to debian stretch slim: lets give this openssl-based test a new and independent but identical container. many other test on the main 'mail' container might interfere here. * Switch to debian stretch slim: remove unused lines
2017-12-31 12:33:48 +01:00
docker run -d --name mail_privacy \
-v "`pwd`/test/config":/tmp/docker-mailserver \
-v "`pwd`/test":/tmp/docker-mailserver-test \
-e SA_TAG=-5.0 \
-e SA_TAG2=2.0 \
-e SA_KILL=3.0 \
-e SASL_PASSWD=" username:password" \
--cap-add=SYS_PTRACE \
-e DMS_DEBUG=0 \
-h -t $(NAME)
sleep 15
docker run -d --name mail_pop3 \
-v "`pwd`/test/config":/tmp/docker-mailserver \
2016-04-21 01:08:14 +02:00
-v "`pwd`/test":/tmp/docker-mailserver-test \
2016-04-26 19:39:08 +02:00
-v "`pwd`/test/config/letsencrypt":/etc/letsencrypt/live \
-e ENABLE_POP3=1 \
-e DMS_DEBUG=0 \
2016-04-26 19:39:08 +02:00
-e SSL_TYPE=letsencrypt \
-h -t $(NAME)
sleep 15
docker run -d --name mail_smtponly \
-v "`pwd`/test/config":/tmp/docker-mailserver \
2016-04-21 01:08:14 +02:00
-v "`pwd`/test":/tmp/docker-mailserver-test \
-e SMTP_ONLY=1 \
-e PERMIT_DOCKER=network \
-e DMS_DEBUG=0 \
-e \
-t $(NAME)
sleep 15
docker run -d --name mail_smtponly_without_config \
-e SMTP_ONLY=1 \
-e PERMIT_DOCKER=network \
-e \
-t $(NAME)
sleep 15
docker run -d --name mail_override_hostname \
-v "`pwd`/test/config":/tmp/docker-mailserver \
-v "`pwd`/test":/tmp/docker-mailserver-test \
-e PERMIT_DOCKER=network \
-e DMS_DEBUG=0 \
-e \
-h \
-t $(NAME)
sleep 15
docker run -d --name mail_fail2ban \
-v "`pwd`/test/config":/tmp/docker-mailserver \
2016-04-21 01:08:14 +02:00
-v "`pwd`/test":/tmp/docker-mailserver-test \
--cap-add=NET_ADMIN \
-h -t $(NAME)
sleep 15
docker run -d --name mail_fetchmail \
-v "`pwd`/test/config":/tmp/docker-mailserver \
-v "`pwd`/test":/tmp/docker-mailserver-test \
--cap-add=NET_ADMIN \
-e DMS_DEBUG=0 \
-h -t $(NAME)
sleep 15
docker run -d --name mail_disabled_clamav_spamassassin \
-v "`pwd`/test/config":/tmp/docker-mailserver \
-v "`pwd`/test":/tmp/docker-mailserver-test \
-e DMS_DEBUG=0 \
-h -t $(NAME)
sleep 15
docker run -d --name mail_manual_ssl \
-v "`pwd`/test/config":/tmp/docker-mailserver \
-v "`pwd`/test":/tmp/docker-mailserver-test \
-e SSL_TYPE=manual \
-e SSL_CERT_PATH=/tmp/docker-mailserver/letsencrypt/ \
-e SSL_KEY_PATH=/tmp/docker-mailserver/letsencrypt/ \
-e DMS_DEBUG=0 \
-h -t $(NAME)
sleep 15
docker run -d --name ldap_for_mail \
-e LDAP_DOMAIN="localhost.localdomain" \
-h -t ldap
sleep 15
docker run -d --name mail_with_ldap \
-v "`pwd`/test/config":/tmp/docker-mailserver \
-v "`pwd`/test":/tmp/docker-mailserver-test \
-e LDAP_SEARCH_BASE=ou=people,dc=localhost,dc=localdomain \
-e LDAP_BIND_DN=cn=admin,dc=localhost,dc=localdomain \
-e LDAP_BIND_PW=admin \
-e LDAP_QUERY_FILTER_USER="(&(mail=%s)(mailEnabled=TRUE))" \
-e LDAP_QUERY_FILTER_GROUP="(&(mailGroupMember=%s)(mailEnabled=TRUE))" \
-e LDAP_QUERY_FILTER_ALIAS="(&(mailAlias=%s)(mailEnabled=TRUE))" \
-e LDAP_QUERY_FILTER_DOMAIN="(&(|(mail=*@%s)(mailalias=*@%s)(mailGroupMember=*@%s))(mailEnabled=TRUE))" \
-e DOVECOT_PASS_FILTER="(&(objectClass=PostfixBookMailAccount)(uniqueIdentifier=%n))" \
-e DOVECOT_USER_FILTER="(&(objectClass=PostfixBookMailAccount)(uniqueIdentifier=%n))" \
-e SASLAUTHD_LDAP_BIND_DN=cn=admin,dc=localhost,dc=localdomain \
-e SASLAUTHD_LDAP_SEARCH_BASE=ou=people,dc=localhost,dc=localdomain \
-e POSTMASTER_ADDRESS=postmaster@localhost.localdomain \
-e DMS_DEBUG=0 \
--link ldap_for_mail:ldap \
-h -t $(NAME)
sleep 15
docker run -d --name mail_with_imap \
-v "`pwd`/test/config":/tmp/docker-mailserver \
-v "`pwd`/test":/tmp/docker-mailserver-test \
-e POSTMASTER_ADDRESS=postmaster@localhost.localdomain \
-e DMS_DEBUG=0 \
-h -t $(NAME)
sleep 15
docker run -d --name mail_lmtp_ip \
-v "`pwd`/test/config":/tmp/docker-mailserver \
-v "`pwd`/test/config/dovecot-lmtp":/etc/dovecot \
-v "`pwd`/test":/tmp/docker-mailserver-test \
-e DMS_DEBUG=0 \
-h -t $(NAME)
sleep 30
docker run -d --name mail_with_postgrey \
-v "`pwd`/test/config":/tmp/docker-mailserver \
-v "`pwd`/test":/tmp/docker-mailserver-test \
-e POSTGREY_TEXT="Delayed by postgrey" \
-e DMS_DEBUG=0 \
-h -t $(NAME)
sleep 20
docker run --rm -e MAIL_USER=added@localhost.localdomain -e MAIL_PASS=mypassword -t $(NAME) /bin/sh -c 'echo "$$MAIL_USER|$$(doveadm pw -s SHA512-CRYPT -u $$MAIL_USER -p $$MAIL_PASS)"' >> test/config/
sleep 10
debian stretch slim (#784) * Switch to stretch-slim as base image. - first step correct the testdata, as newer packages are more strict about the mail-structure. * Switch to stretch-slim: correcting the test-environment and the build - add missing build-step to make - clean the userdb aswell - use timeout of netcat, as postgrey would not close the connection - there is 2 extra mail-logs -> assert_output 5 - cosmetic: use "" instead of '' * Switch to stretch-slim: new image: - smaller size - 0 CVEs compared to 11 CVEs in ubuntu 16.04 Image better backport situation - postfix 3.1.6 vs 3.1.0 - fail2ban 0.9.6 vs 0.9.3 ... changes needed because of stretch-slim: - add missing gnupg and iproute2 package - remove non-free rar, unrar-free should do - rsyslog does not add syslog user and has different conf-structure - pyzor command discover was deprecated and is missing in the new stretch package - dovecot does not know SSLv2 anymore. removed because of warnings in log - iptables does not know imap3, IMAP working group chose imap2 in favor of imap3 * Switch to debian stretch slim: SSLv2 seems to be a not known protocol anymore - good! * switch to debian stretch slim: make this test more stable. there might be more than only one mail.log (, mail.warn, ...) * switch to debian stretc slim: new openssl 1.1.0 needs stronger ciphers, removed some weekers ones. Please, look through the new list of cipher! this needs to be done in another commit for all other SSL/TLS-Endpoints aswell. * Switch to debian stretch slim: let our server pre-empt the cipher list. Did a read through, wwwDOTpostfixDOTorg/FORWARD_SECRECY_READMEDOThtml and wwwDOTpostfixDOTorg/TLS_READMEDOThtml * Switch to debian stretch slim: lets give this openssl-based test a new and independent but identical container. many other test on the main 'mail' container might interfere here. * Switch to debian stretch slim: remove unused lines
2017-12-31 12:33:48 +01:00
2015-10-18 21:02:46 +02:00
cp config/ config/
# Setup sieve & create filtering folder (INBOX/spam)
docker cp "`pwd`/test/config/sieve/dovecot.sieve" mail:/var/mail/localhost.localdomain/user1/.dovecot.sieve
docker exec mail /bin/sh -c "maildirmake.dovecot /var/mail/localhost.localdomain/user1/.INBOX.spam"
docker exec mail /bin/sh -c "chown 5000:5000 -R /var/mail/localhost.localdomain/user1/.INBOX.spam"
sleep 30
2015-10-18 22:08:21 +02:00
# Sending test mails
2016-04-21 01:08:14 +02:00
docker exec mail /bin/sh -c "nc 25 < /tmp/docker-mailserver-test/email-templates/amavis-spam.txt"
docker exec mail /bin/sh -c "nc 25 < /tmp/docker-mailserver-test/email-templates/amavis-virus.txt"
docker exec mail /bin/sh -c "nc 25 < /tmp/docker-mailserver-test/email-templates/existing-alias-external.txt"
docker exec mail /bin/sh -c "nc 25 < /tmp/docker-mailserver-test/email-templates/existing-alias-local.txt"
docker exec mail /bin/sh -c "nc 25 < /tmp/docker-mailserver-test/email-templates/existing-alias-recipient-delimiter.txt"
docker exec mail /bin/sh -c "nc 25 < /tmp/docker-mailserver-test/email-templates/existing-user1.txt"
docker exec mail /bin/sh -c "nc 25 < /tmp/docker-mailserver-test/email-templates/existing-user2.txt"
docker exec mail /bin/sh -c "nc 25 < /tmp/docker-mailserver-test/email-templates/existing-added.txt"
docker exec mail /bin/sh -c "nc 25 < /tmp/docker-mailserver-test/email-templates/existing-user-and-cc-local-alias.txt"
2016-05-24 06:43:08 +02:00
docker exec mail /bin/sh -c "nc 25 < /tmp/docker-mailserver-test/email-templates/existing-regexp-alias-external.txt"
docker exec mail /bin/sh -c "nc 25 < /tmp/docker-mailserver-test/email-templates/existing-regexp-alias-local.txt"
2016-07-23 23:42:18 +02:00
docker exec mail /bin/sh -c "nc 25 < /tmp/docker-mailserver-test/email-templates/existing-catchall-local.txt"
docker exec mail /bin/sh -c "nc 25 < /tmp/docker-mailserver-test/email-templates/sieve-spam-folder.txt"
docker exec mail /bin/sh -c "nc 25 < /tmp/docker-mailserver-test/email-templates/sieve-pipe.txt"
2016-04-21 01:08:14 +02:00
docker exec mail /bin/sh -c "nc 25 < /tmp/docker-mailserver-test/email-templates/non-existing-user.txt"
docker exec mail_disabled_clamav_spamassassin /bin/sh -c "nc 25 < /tmp/docker-mailserver-test/email-templates/existing-user1.txt"
# postfix virtual transport lmtp
docker exec mail_lmtp_ip /bin/sh -c "nc 25 < /tmp/docker-mailserver-test/email-templates/existing-user1.txt"
debian stretch slim (#784) * Switch to stretch-slim as base image. - first step correct the testdata, as newer packages are more strict about the mail-structure. * Switch to stretch-slim: correcting the test-environment and the build - add missing build-step to make - clean the userdb aswell - use timeout of netcat, as postgrey would not close the connection - there is 2 extra mail-logs -> assert_output 5 - cosmetic: use "" instead of '' * Switch to stretch-slim: new image: - smaller size - 0 CVEs compared to 11 CVEs in ubuntu 16.04 Image better backport situation - postfix 3.1.6 vs 3.1.0 - fail2ban 0.9.6 vs 0.9.3 ... changes needed because of stretch-slim: - add missing gnupg and iproute2 package - remove non-free rar, unrar-free should do - rsyslog does not add syslog user and has different conf-structure - pyzor command discover was deprecated and is missing in the new stretch package - dovecot does not know SSLv2 anymore. removed because of warnings in log - iptables does not know imap3, IMAP working group chose imap2 in favor of imap3 * Switch to debian stretch slim: SSLv2 seems to be a not known protocol anymore - good! * switch to debian stretch slim: make this test more stable. there might be more than only one mail.log (, mail.warn, ...) * switch to debian stretc slim: new openssl 1.1.0 needs stronger ciphers, removed some weekers ones. Please, look through the new list of cipher! this needs to be done in another commit for all other SSL/TLS-Endpoints aswell. * Switch to debian stretch slim: let our server pre-empt the cipher list. Did a read through, wwwDOTpostfixDOTorg/FORWARD_SECRECY_READMEDOThtml and wwwDOTpostfixDOTorg/TLS_READMEDOThtml * Switch to debian stretch slim: lets give this openssl-based test a new and independent but identical container. many other test on the main 'mail' container might interfere here. * Switch to debian stretch slim: remove unused lines
2017-12-31 12:33:48 +01:00
docker exec mail_privacy /bin/sh -c "openssl s_client -quiet -starttls smtp -connect < /tmp/docker-mailserver-test/email-templates/send-privacy-email.txt"
docker exec mail_override_hostname /bin/sh -c "nc 25 < /tmp/docker-mailserver-test/email-templates/existing-user1.txt"
2015-10-19 15:41:51 +02:00
# Wait for mails to be analyzed
sleep 80
2015-10-18 21:02:46 +02:00
# Start tests
./test/bats/bin/bats test/tests.bats
2016-01-22 18:47:43 +01:00
2016-02-04 08:51:07 +01:00
# Remove running test containers
-docker rm -f \
mail \
debian stretch slim (#784) * Switch to stretch-slim as base image. - first step correct the testdata, as newer packages are more strict about the mail-structure. * Switch to stretch-slim: correcting the test-environment and the build - add missing build-step to make - clean the userdb aswell - use timeout of netcat, as postgrey would not close the connection - there is 2 extra mail-logs -> assert_output 5 - cosmetic: use "" instead of '' * Switch to stretch-slim: new image: - smaller size - 0 CVEs compared to 11 CVEs in ubuntu 16.04 Image better backport situation - postfix 3.1.6 vs 3.1.0 - fail2ban 0.9.6 vs 0.9.3 ... changes needed because of stretch-slim: - add missing gnupg and iproute2 package - remove non-free rar, unrar-free should do - rsyslog does not add syslog user and has different conf-structure - pyzor command discover was deprecated and is missing in the new stretch package - dovecot does not know SSLv2 anymore. removed because of warnings in log - iptables does not know imap3, IMAP working group chose imap2 in favor of imap3 * Switch to debian stretch slim: SSLv2 seems to be a not known protocol anymore - good! * switch to debian stretch slim: make this test more stable. there might be more than only one mail.log (, mail.warn, ...) * switch to debian stretc slim: new openssl 1.1.0 needs stronger ciphers, removed some weekers ones. Please, look through the new list of cipher! this needs to be done in another commit for all other SSL/TLS-Endpoints aswell. * Switch to debian stretch slim: let our server pre-empt the cipher list. Did a read through, wwwDOTpostfixDOTorg/FORWARD_SECRECY_READMEDOThtml and wwwDOTpostfixDOTorg/TLS_READMEDOThtml * Switch to debian stretch slim: lets give this openssl-based test a new and independent but identical container. many other test on the main 'mail' container might interfere here. * Switch to debian stretch slim: remove unused lines
2017-12-31 12:33:48 +01:00
mail_privacy \
mail_pop3 \
mail_smtponly \
mail_smtponly_without_config \
mail_fail2ban \
mail_fetchmail \
fail-auth-mailer \
mail_disabled_clamav_spamassassin \
mail_manual_ssl \
ldap_for_mail \
mail_with_ldap \
mail_with_imap \
mail_lmtp_ip \
mail_with_postgrey \
@if [ -f config/ ]; then\
rm -f config/ ;\
mv config/ config/ ;\
2016-09-30 23:37:09 +02:00
-sudo rm -rf test/onedir \
test/config/empty \
test/config/without-accounts \
test/config/without-virtual \
debian stretch slim (#784) * Switch to stretch-slim as base image. - first step correct the testdata, as newer packages are more strict about the mail-structure. * Switch to stretch-slim: correcting the test-environment and the build - add missing build-step to make - clean the userdb aswell - use timeout of netcat, as postgrey would not close the connection - there is 2 extra mail-logs -> assert_output 5 - cosmetic: use "" instead of '' * Switch to stretch-slim: new image: - smaller size - 0 CVEs compared to 11 CVEs in ubuntu 16.04 Image better backport situation - postfix 3.1.6 vs 3.1.0 - fail2ban 0.9.6 vs 0.9.3 ... changes needed because of stretch-slim: - add missing gnupg and iproute2 package - remove non-free rar, unrar-free should do - rsyslog does not add syslog user and has different conf-structure - pyzor command discover was deprecated and is missing in the new stretch package - dovecot does not know SSLv2 anymore. removed because of warnings in log - iptables does not know imap3, IMAP working group chose imap2 in favor of imap3 * Switch to debian stretch slim: SSLv2 seems to be a not known protocol anymore - good! * switch to debian stretch slim: make this test more stable. there might be more than only one mail.log (, mail.warn, ...) * switch to debian stretc slim: new openssl 1.1.0 needs stronger ciphers, removed some weekers ones. Please, look through the new list of cipher! this needs to be done in another commit for all other SSL/TLS-Endpoints aswell. * Switch to debian stretch slim: let our server pre-empt the cipher list. Did a read through, wwwDOTpostfixDOTorg/FORWARD_SECRECY_READMEDOThtml and wwwDOTpostfixDOTorg/TLS_READMEDOThtml * Switch to debian stretch slim: lets give this openssl-based test a new and independent but identical container. many other test on the main 'mail' container might interfere here. * Switch to debian stretch slim: remove unused lines
2017-12-31 12:33:48 +01:00
test/config/with-domain \