mirror of https://github.com/tomav/docker-mailserver.git synced 2024-07-08 09:01:17 +02:00

226 lines
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Raw Normal View History

docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
title: 'Tutorials | Basic Installation'
docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
## A Basic Example With Relevant Environmental Variables
docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
This example provides you only with a basic example of what a minimal setup could look like. We **strongly recommend** that you go through the configuration file yourself and adjust everything to your needs. The default [docker-compose.yml](https://github.com/docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver/blob/master/docker-compose.yml) can be used for the purpose out-of-the-box, see the [_Usage_ chapter](../../usage.md).
``` YAML
image: docker.io/mailserver/docker-mailserver:latest
container_name: mailserver
# Provide the FQDN of your mail server here (Your DNS MX record should point to this value)
hostname: mail.example.com
- "25:25"
- "587:587"
- "993:993"
- ./docker-data/dms/mail-data/:/var/mail/
- ./docker-data/dms/mail-state/:/var/mail-state/
- ./docker-data/dms/mail-logs/:/var/log/mail/
- ./docker-data/dms/config/:/tmp/docker-mailserver/
- /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
- NET_ADMIN # For Fail2Ban to work
restart: always
## A Basic LDAP Setup
**Note** There are currently no LDAP maintainers. If you encounter issues, please raise them in the issue tracker, but be aware that the core maintainers team will most likely not be able to help you. **We would appreciate and we encourage everyone to actively participate in maintaining LDAP-related code by becoming a maintainer!**
``` YAML
image: docker.io/mailserver/docker-mailserver:latest
container_name: mailserver
# Provide the FQDN of your mail server here (Your DNS MX record should point to this value)
hostname: mail.example.com
- "25:25"
- "587:587"
- "993:993"
- ./docker-data/dms/mail-data/:/var/mail/
- ./docker-data/dms/mail-state/:/var/mail-state/
- ./docker-data/dms/mail-logs/:/var/log/mail/
- ./docker-data/dms/config/:/tmp/docker-mailserver/
- /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
- LDAP_SERVER_HOST=ldap # your ldap container/IP/ServerName
- LDAP_SEARCH_BASE=ou=people,dc=localhost,dc=localdomain
- LDAP_BIND_DN=cn=admin,dc=localhost,dc=localdomain
- LDAP_BIND_PW=admin
- LDAP_QUERY_FILTER_USER=(&(mail=%s)(mailEnabled=TRUE))
- LDAP_QUERY_FILTER_GROUP=(&(mailGroupMember=%s)(mailEnabled=TRUE))
- LDAP_QUERY_FILTER_ALIAS=(|(&(mailAlias=%s)(objectClass=PostfixBookMailForward))(&(mailAlias=%s)(objectClass=PostfixBookMailAccount)(mailEnabled=TRUE)))
- LDAP_QUERY_FILTER_DOMAIN=(|(&(mail=*@%s)(objectClass=PostfixBookMailAccount)(mailEnabled=TRUE))(&(mailGroupMember=*@%s)(objectClass=PostfixBookMailAccount)(mailEnabled=TRUE))(&(mailalias=*@%s)(objectClass=PostfixBookMailForward)))
- DOVECOT_PASS_FILTER=(&(objectClass=PostfixBookMailAccount)(uniqueIdentifier=%n))
- DOVECOT_USER_FILTER=(&(objectClass=PostfixBookMailAccount)(uniqueIdentifier=%n))
- SASLAUTHD_LDAP_BIND_DN=cn=admin,dc=localhost,dc=localdomain
- SASLAUTHD_LDAP_SEARCH_BASE=ou=people,dc=localhost,dc=localdomain
- SASLAUTHD_LDAP_FILTER=(&(objectClass=PostfixBookMailAccount)(uniqueIdentifier=%U))
- POSTMASTER_ADDRESS=postmaster@localhost.localdomain
- NET_ADMIN # For Fail2Ban to work
restart: always
## A Detailed Example
!!! note
This is a community contributed guide. Please let us know via a Github Issue if you're having any difficulty following the guide so that we can update it.
This guide is focused on only using [SMTP ports (not POP3 and IMAP)][docs-ports] with the intent to send received mail to another MTA service such as _Gmail_. It is not intended to have a MUA client (_eg: Thunderbird_) to retrieve mail directly from `docker-mailserver` via POP3/IMAP.
In this setup `docker-mailserver` is not intended to receive email externally, so no anti-spam or anti-virus software is needed, making the service lighter to run.
!!! warning "Open Relays"
docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
Adding the docker network's gateway to the list of trusted hosts (_eg: using the `network` or `connected-networks` option_), can create an [**open relay**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_mail_relay). For instance [if IPv6 is enabled on the host machine, but not in Docker][github-issue-1405-comment].
1. If you're running a version of `docker-mailserver` earlier than v10.2, [you'll need to get `setup.sh`][docs-setup-script]. Otherwise you can substitute `./setup.sh <command>` with `docker exec mailserver setup <command>`.
2. Pull the docker image: `docker pull docker.io/mailserver/docker-mailserver:latest`.
3. Create the file `docker-compose.yml` with a content like this:
docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
!!! example
image: docker.io/mailserver/docker-mailserver:latest
docs(chore): Normalize for consistency (#2206) "Brief" summary/overview of changes. See the PR discussion or individual commits from the PR for more details. --- Only applies to the `docs/content/**` content (_and `setup` command_). `target/` and `test/` can be normalized at a later date. * Normalize to `example.com` - Domains normalized to `example.com`: `mywebserver.com`, `myserver.tld`, `domain.com`, `domain.tld`, `mydomain.net`, `my-domain.tld`, `my-domain.com`, `example.org`, `whoami.com`. - Alternative domains normalized to `not-example.com`: `otherdomain.com`, `otherdomain.tld`, `domain2.tld`, `mybackupmx.com`, `whoareyou.org`. - Email addresses normalized to `admin@example.com` (in `ssl.md`): `foo@bar.com`, `yourcurrentemail@gmail.com`, `email@email.com`, `admin@domain.tld`. - Email addresses normalized to `external-account@gmail.com`: `bill@gates321boom.com`, `external@gmail.com`, `myemail@gmail.com`, `real-email-address@external-domain.com`. - **`faq.md`:** A FAQ entry title with `sample.domain.com` changed to `subdomain.example.com`. - **`mail-fetchmail.md`:** Config examples with FQDNs for `imap`/`pop3` used `example.com` domain for a third-party, changed to `gmail.com` as more familiar third-party/external MTA. * Normalize config volume path - Normalizing local config path references to `./docker-data/dms/config/`: `./config/`, `config/`, \``config`\`, `/etc/` (_volume mount src path prefix_). - Normalize DMS volume paths to `docker-data/dms/mail-{data,state,log}`: `./mail`, `./mail-state` `./data/mail`, `./data/state`, `./data/logs`, `./data/maildata`, `./data/mailstate`, `./data/maillogs`, (_dropped/converted data volumes: `maildata`, `mailstate`_). - Other docker images also adopt the `docker-data/{service name}/` prefix. * `ssl.md` - Use `dms/custom-certs` where appropriate. * Apply normalizations to README and example `docker-compose.yml` --- Common terms, sometimes interchangeably used or now invalid depending on context: `mail`, `mail container`, `mail server`, `mail-server`, `mailserver`,`docker-mailserver`, `Docker Mailserver`. Rough transformations applied to most matches (_conditionally, depending on context_): - 'Docker Mailserver' => '`docker-mailserver`' - 'mail container' => '`docker-mailserver`' (_optionally retaining ' container'_) - 'mail server' => 'mail-server' / '`docker-mailserver`' - 'mail-server' => '`docker-mailserver`' - 'mailserver' => 'mail-server' / '`docker-mailserver`' Additionally I checked `docker run` (_plus `exec`, `logs`, etc, sub-commands_) and `docker-compose` commands. Often finding usage of `mail` instead of the expected `mailserver` Additionally changes `mailserver` hostname in k8s to `mail` to align with other non-k8s examples. --- * drive-by revisions Mostly minor revisions or improvements to docs that aren't related to normalization effort.
2021-09-23 01:29:37 +02:00
container_name: mailserver
# Provide the FQDN of your mail server here (Your DNS MX record should point to this value)
hostname: mail.example.com
- "25:25"
- "587:587"
- "465:465"
- ./docker-data/dms/mail-data/:/var/mail/
- ./docker-data/dms/mail-state/:/var/mail-state/
- ./docker-data/dms/mail-logs/:/var/log/mail/
- ./docker-data/dms/config/:/tmp/docker-mailserver/
- /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
# Using letsencrypt for SSL/TLS certificates
- SSL_TYPE=letsencrypt
# Allow sending emails from other docker containers
# Beware creating an Open Relay: https://docker-mailserver.github.io/docker-mailserver/latest/config/environment/#permit_docker
# You may want to enable this: https://docker-mailserver.github.io/docker-mailserver/latest/config/environment/#spoof_protection
# See step 8 below, which demonstrates setup with enabled/disabled SPOOF_PROTECTION:
- NET_ADMIN # For Fail2Ban to work
restart: always
docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
- The docs have a detailed page on [Environment Variables][docs-environment] for reference.
docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
!!! note "Firewalled ports"
docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
You may need to open ports `25`, `587` and `465` on the firewall. For example, with the firewall `ufw`, run:
docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
ufw allow 25
ufw allow 587
ufw allow 465
docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
4. Configure your DNS service to use an MX record for the _hostname_ (eg: `mail`) you configured in the previous step and add the [SPF][docs-spf] TXT record.
docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
If you manually manage the DNS zone file for the domain, it would look something like this:
docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
mail IN A
docs(chore): Normalize for consistency (#2206) "Brief" summary/overview of changes. See the PR discussion or individual commits from the PR for more details. --- Only applies to the `docs/content/**` content (_and `setup` command_). `target/` and `test/` can be normalized at a later date. * Normalize to `example.com` - Domains normalized to `example.com`: `mywebserver.com`, `myserver.tld`, `domain.com`, `domain.tld`, `mydomain.net`, `my-domain.tld`, `my-domain.com`, `example.org`, `whoami.com`. - Alternative domains normalized to `not-example.com`: `otherdomain.com`, `otherdomain.tld`, `domain2.tld`, `mybackupmx.com`, `whoareyou.org`. - Email addresses normalized to `admin@example.com` (in `ssl.md`): `foo@bar.com`, `yourcurrentemail@gmail.com`, `email@email.com`, `admin@domain.tld`. - Email addresses normalized to `external-account@gmail.com`: `bill@gates321boom.com`, `external@gmail.com`, `myemail@gmail.com`, `real-email-address@external-domain.com`. - **`faq.md`:** A FAQ entry title with `sample.domain.com` changed to `subdomain.example.com`. - **`mail-fetchmail.md`:** Config examples with FQDNs for `imap`/`pop3` used `example.com` domain for a third-party, changed to `gmail.com` as more familiar third-party/external MTA. * Normalize config volume path - Normalizing local config path references to `./docker-data/dms/config/`: `./config/`, `config/`, \``config`\`, `/etc/` (_volume mount src path prefix_). - Normalize DMS volume paths to `docker-data/dms/mail-{data,state,log}`: `./mail`, `./mail-state` `./data/mail`, `./data/state`, `./data/logs`, `./data/maildata`, `./data/mailstate`, `./data/maillogs`, (_dropped/converted data volumes: `maildata`, `mailstate`_). - Other docker images also adopt the `docker-data/{service name}/` prefix. * `ssl.md` - Use `dms/custom-certs` where appropriate. * Apply normalizations to README and example `docker-compose.yml` --- Common terms, sometimes interchangeably used or now invalid depending on context: `mail`, `mail container`, `mail server`, `mail-server`, `mailserver`,`docker-mailserver`, `Docker Mailserver`. Rough transformations applied to most matches (_conditionally, depending on context_): - 'Docker Mailserver' => '`docker-mailserver`' - 'mail container' => '`docker-mailserver`' (_optionally retaining ' container'_) - 'mail server' => 'mail-server' / '`docker-mailserver`' - 'mail-server' => '`docker-mailserver`' - 'mailserver' => 'mail-server' / '`docker-mailserver`' Additionally I checked `docker run` (_plus `exec`, `logs`, etc, sub-commands_) and `docker-compose` commands. Often finding usage of `mail` instead of the expected `mailserver` Additionally changes `mailserver` hostname in k8s to `mail` to align with other non-k8s examples. --- * drive-by revisions Mostly minor revisions or improvements to docs that aren't related to normalization effort.
2021-09-23 01:29:37 +02:00
; mail-server for example.com
3600 IN MX 1 mail.example.com.
docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
; Add SPF record
IN TXT "v=spf1 mx ~all"
Then don't forget to change the serial number and to restart the service.
5. [Generate DKIM keys][docs-dkim] for your domain via `./setup.sh config dkim`.
docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
Copy the content of the file `docker-data/dms/config/opendkim/keys/example.com/mail.txt` and add it to your DNS records as a TXT like SPF was handled above.
I use [bind9](https://github.com/docker-scripts/bind9) for managing my domains, so I just paste it on `example.com.db`:
docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
mail._domainkey IN TXT ( "v=DKIM1; h=sha256; k=rsa; "
"iqq3bD/BVlwKRp5gH6TEYEmx8EBJUuDxrJhkWRUk2VDl1fqhVBy8A9O7Ah+85nMrlOHIFsTaYo9o6+cDJ6t1i6G1gu+bZD0d3/3bqGLPBQV9LyEL1Rona5V7TJBGg099NQkTz1IwIDAQAB" ) ; ----- DKIM key mail for example.com
docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
6. Get an SSL certificate, [we have a guide for you here][docs-ssl] (_Let's Encrypt_ is a popular service to get free SSL certificates).
docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
7. Start `docker-mailserver` and check the terminal output for any errors: `docker-compose up`.
docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
8. Create email accounts and aliases:
!!! example "With `SPOOF_PROTECTION=0`"
docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
./setup.sh email add admin@example.com passwd123
./setup.sh email add info@example.com passwd123
./setup.sh alias add admin@example.com external-account@gmail.com
./setup.sh alias add info@example.com external-account@gmail.com
./setup.sh email list
./setup.sh alias list
docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
Aliases make sure that any email that comes to these accounts is forwarded to your third-party email address (`external-account@gmail.com`), where they are retrieved (_eg: via third-party web or mobile app_), instead of connecting directly to `docker-mailserer` with POP3 / IMAP.
docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
!!! example "With `SPOOF_PROTECTION=1`"
docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
./setup.sh email add admin.gmail@example.com passwd123
./setup.sh email add info.gmail@example.com passwd123
./setup.sh alias add admin@example.com admin.gmail@example.com
./setup.sh alias add info@example.com info.gmail@example.com
./setup.sh alias add admin.gmail@example.com external-account@gmail.com
./setup.sh alias add info.gmail@example.com external-account@gmail.com
./setup.sh email list
./setup.sh alias list
This extra step is required to avoid the `553 5.7.1 Sender address rejected: not owned by user` error (_the accounts used for submitting mail to Gmail are `admin.gmail@example.com` and `info.gmail@example.com`_)
docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
9. Send some test emails to these addresses and make other tests. Once everything is working well, stop the container with `ctrl+c` and start it again as a daemon: `docker-compose up -d`.
docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
[docs-ports]: ../../config/security/understanding-the-ports.md
[docs-setup-script]: ../../config/setup.sh.md
[docs-environment]: ../../config/environment.md
[docs-spf]: ../../config/best-practices/spf.md
[docs-dkim]: ../../config/best-practices/dkim.md
[docs-ssl]: ../../config/security/ssl.md#lets-encrypt-recommended
docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
[github-issue-1405-comment]: https://github.com/docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver/issues/1405#issuecomment-590106498