
465 lines
15 KiB
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docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
title: 'Advanced | Kubernetes'
docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
## Introduction
2017-06-27 21:23:54 +02:00
Kubernetes (also known by its abbreviation K8s) is a production-grade orchestrating tool for containers. This article describes how to deploy `docker-mailserver` to K8s. K8s differs from Docker especially when it comes to separation of concerns: Whereas with Docker Compose, you can fit everything in one file, with K8s, the information is split. This may seem (too) verbose, but actually provides a clear structure with more features and scalability. We are going to have a look at how to deploy one instance of `docker-mailserver` to your cluster.
2017-06-27 21:23:54 +02:00
We assume basic knowledge about K8s from the reader. If you're not familiar with K8s, we highly recommend starting with something less complex, like Docker Compose.
2017-06-27 21:23:54 +02:00
!!! warning "About Support for K8s"
Please note that Kubernetes **is not** officially supported and we do not build images specifically designed for it. When opening an issue, please remember that only Docker & Docker Compose are officially supported.
This content is entirely community-supported. If you find errors, please open an issue and provide a PR.
## Manifests
### Configuration
2017-06-27 21:23:54 +02:00
We want to provide the basic configuration in the form of environment variables with a `ConfigMap`. Note that this is just an example configuration; tune the `ConfigMap` to your needs.
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: mailserver.environment
immutable: true # turn off during development
TLS_LEVEL: modern
ONE_DIR: '1'
We can also make use of user-provided configuration files, e.g. ``, `` and more, to adjust `docker-mailserver` to our likings. We encourage you to have a look at [Kustomize][kustomize] for creating `ConfigMap`s from multiple files, but for now, we will provide a simple, hand-written example. This example is absolutely minimal and only goes to show what can be done.
2017-06-27 21:23:54 +02:00
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
2017-06-27 21:23:54 +02:00
name: mailserver.files
2017-06-27 21:23:54 +02:00
data: ||{SHA512-CRYPT}$6$someHashValueHere|{SHA512-CRYPT}$6$someOtherHashValueHere
2017-06-27 21:23:54 +02:00
### Persistence
docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
Thereafter, we need persistence for our data.
2017-06-27 21:23:54 +02:00
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: data
storageClassName: local-path
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 25Gi
2017-06-27 21:23:54 +02:00
### Service
2017-06-27 21:23:54 +02:00
A `Service` is required for getting the traffic to the pod itself. The service is somewhat crucial. Its configuration determines whether the original IP from the sender will be kept. [More about this further down below](#exposing-your-mail-server-to-the-outside-world).
2017-06-27 21:23:54 +02:00
The configuration you're seeing does keep the original IP, but you will not be able to scale this way. We have chosen to go this route in this case because we think most K8s users will only want to have one instance anyway, and users that need high availability know how to do it anyways.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: mailserver
app: mailserver
type: LoadBalancer
externalTrafficPolicy: Local
app: mailserver
# Transfer
- name: transfer
port: 25
targetPort: transfer
protocol: TCP
# ESMTP with implicit TLS
- name: esmtp-implicit
port: 465
targetPort: esmtp-implicit
protocol: TCP
# ESMTP with explicit TLS (STARTTLS)
- name: esmtp-explicit
port: 587
targetPort: esmtp-explicit
protocol: TCP
# IMAPS with implicit TLS
- name: imap-implicit
port: 993
targetPort: imap-implicit
protocol: TCP
2017-06-27 21:23:54 +02:00
2017-06-27 21:23:54 +02:00
### Deployments
2017-06-27 21:23:54 +02:00
Last but not least, the `Deployment` becomes the most complex component. It instructs Kubernetes how to run the docker-mailserver container and how to apply your ConfigMaps and persisted storage. Additionally, we can set options to enforce runtime security here.
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: mailserver
annotations: >-
The mailserver needs to run as root >-
The mailserver needs privilegdes ports >-
There are too many files written to make The
root FS read-only
replicas: 1
app: mailserver
app: mailserver
annotations: runtime/default
hostname: mailserver
- name: mailserver
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
readOnlyRootFilesystem: false
runAsUser: 0
runAsGroup: 0
runAsNonRoot: false
privileged: false
# file permission capabilities
# network capabilities
- NET_ADMIN # needed for F2B
- NET_RAW # needed for F2B
# miscellaneous capabilities
drop: [ALL]
type: RuntimeDefault
# You want to tune this to your needs. If you disable ClamAV,
# you can use less RAM and CPU. This becomes important in
# case you're low on resources and Kubernetes refuses to
# schedule new pods.
memory: 4Gi
cpu: 1500m
memory: 2Gi
cpu: 600m
- name: files
mountPath: /tmp/docker-mailserver/
readOnly: true
# PVCs
- name: data
mountPath: /var/mail
subPath: data
readOnly: false
- name: data
mountPath: /var/mail-state
subPath: state
readOnly: false
- name: data
mountPath: /var/log/mail
subPath: log
readOnly: false
# other
- name: tmp-files
mountPath: /tmp
readOnly: false
- name: transfer
containerPort: 25
protocol: TCP
- name: esmtp-implicit
containerPort: 465
protocol: TCP
- name: esmtp-explicit
containerPort: 587
- name: imap-implicit
containerPort: 993
protocol: TCP
- configMapRef:
name: mailserver.environment
restartPolicy: Always
# configuration files
- name: files
name: mailserver.files
# PVCs
- name: data
claimName: data
# other
- name: tmp-files
emptyDir: {}
### Sensitive Data
By now, the mailserver starts, but does not really work for long (or at all), because we're lacking certificates. You will need to choose yourself, which approach you'd want to go with. The [TLS][docs-tls] section provides you with an overview.
!!! attention "Sensitive Data"
For storing OpenDKIM keys, TLS certificates or any sort of sensitive data, you should be using `Secret`s. You can mount secrets like `ConfigMap`s and use them the same way.
## Exposing your Mailserver to the Outside World
The more difficult part with K8s is to expose a deployed mailserver to the outside world. K8s provides multiple ways for doing that; each has downsides and complexity. The major problem with exposing the mailserver to outside world in K8s is to [preserve the real client IP][k8s-service-source-ip]. The real client IP is required by the mailserver for performing IP-based SPF checks and spam checks. If you do not require SPF checks for incoming mails, you may disable them in your [Postfix configuration][docs-postfix] by dropping the line that states `check_policy_service unix:private/policyd-spf`.
The easiest approach was covered above, using `#!yaml externalTrafficPolicy: Local`, which disables the service proxy, but makes the service local as well (which does not scale). This approach only works when you are given the correct (that is, a public and routable) IP address by a load balancer (like MetalLB). In this sense, the approach above is similar to the next example below. We want to provide you with a few alternatives too. **But** we also want to communicate the idea of another simple method: you could use a load-balancer without an external IP and DNAT the network traffic to the mail server. After all, this does not interfere with SPF checks because it keeps the origin IP address. If no dedicated external IP address is available, you could try the latter approach, if one is available, use the former.
### External IPs Service
The simplest way is to expose the mailserver as a [Service][k8s-network-service] with [external IPs][k8s-network-external-ip]. This is very similar to the approach taken above. Here, an external IP is given to the service directly by you. With the approach above, you tell your load-balancer to do this.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: mailserver
app: mailserver
app: mailserver
- name: smtp
port: 25
targetPort: smtp
# ...
2017-06-27 21:23:54 +02:00
2017-06-27 21:23:54 +02:00
This approach
2017-06-27 21:23:54 +02:00
- does not preserve the real client IP, so SPF check of incoming mail will fail.
- requires you to specify the exposed IPs explicitly.
2017-06-27 21:23:54 +02:00
### Proxy port to Service
The [proxy pod][k8s-proxy-service] helps to avoid the necessity of specifying external IPs explicitly. This comes at the cost of complexity; you must deploy a proxy pod on each [Node][k8s-nodes] you want to expose mailserver on.
2017-06-27 21:23:54 +02:00
This approach
2017-06-27 21:23:54 +02:00
- does not preserve the real client IP, so SPF check of incoming mail will fail.
2017-06-27 21:23:54 +02:00
### Bind to concrete Node and use host network
One way to preserve the real client IP is to use `hostPort` and `hostNetwork: true`. This comes at the cost of availability; you can talk to the mailserver from outside world only via IPs of [Node][k8s-nodes] where mailserver is deployed.
2017-06-27 21:23:54 +02:00
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
name: mailserver
# ...
hostNetwork: true
# ...
# ...
- name: smtp
containerPort: 25
hostPort: 25
- name: smtp-auth
containerPort: 587
hostPort: 587
- name: imap-secure
containerPort: 993
hostPort: 993
# ...
2017-06-27 21:23:54 +02:00
With this approach,
2017-06-27 21:23:54 +02:00
- it is not possible to access mailserver via other cluster Nodes, only via the one mailserver deployed at.
- every Port within the Container is exposed on the Host side.
2017-06-27 21:23:54 +02:00
docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
### Proxy Port to Service via PROXY Protocol
2017-06-27 21:23:54 +02:00
This way is ideologically the same as [using a proxy pod](#proxy-port-to-service), but instead of a separate proxy pod, you configure your ingress to proxy TCP traffic to the mailserver pod using the PROXY protocol, which preserves the real client IP.
2017-06-27 21:23:54 +02:00
docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
#### Configure your Ingress
With an [NGINX ingress controller][k8s-nginx], set `externalTrafficPolicy: Local` for its service, and add the following to the TCP services config map (as described [here][k8s-nginx-expose]):
2020-03-23 11:38:24 +01:00
docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
25: "mailserver/mailserver:25::PROXY"
465: "mailserver/mailserver:465::PROXY"
587: "mailserver/mailserver:587::PROXY"
993: "mailserver/mailserver:993::PROXY"
2020-03-23 11:38:24 +01:00
!!! help "HAProxy"
With [HAProxy][dockerhub-haproxy], the configuration should look similar to the above. If you know what it actually looks like, add an example here. :smiley:
docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
#### Configure the Mailserver
Then, configure both [Postfix][docs-postfix] and [Dovecot][docs-dovecot] to expect the PROXY protocol:
2020-03-23 11:38:24 +01:00
??? example "HAProxy Example"
2017-06-27 21:23:54 +02:00
kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
name: mailserver.config
app: mailserver
data: |
postscreen_upstream_proxy_protocol = haproxy |
smtps/inet/smtpd_upstream_proxy_protocol=haproxy |
# Assuming your ingress controller is bound to
haproxy_trusted_networks =,
service imap-login {
inet_listener imap {
haproxy = yes
inet_listener imaps {
haproxy = yes
# ...
kind: Deployment
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
name: mailserver
- name: docker-mailserver
- name: config
mountPath: /tmp/docker-mailserver/
readOnly: true
- name: config
mountPath: /tmp/docker-mailserver/
readOnly: true
- name: config
mountPath: /tmp/docker-mailserver/
readOnly: true
2017-06-27 21:23:54 +02:00
With this approach,
2017-06-27 21:23:54 +02:00
- it is not possible to access the mailserver via cluster-DNS, as the PROXY protocol is required for incoming connections.
2017-06-27 21:23:54 +02:00
[docs-tls]: ../security/
docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
[docs-dovecot]: ./override-defaults/
[docs-postfix]: ./override-defaults/