mirror of https://github.com/tomav/docker-mailserver.git synced 2024-07-02 22:21:10 +02:00

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docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
title: 'Optional Configuration'
- toc # Hide Table of Contents for this page
This is a list of all configuration files and directories which are optional or automatically generated in your `config` directory.
docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
## Directories
- **sieve-filter:** directory for sieve filter scripts. (Docs: [Sieve][docs-sieve])
- **sieve-pipe:** directory for sieve pipe scripts. (Docs: [Sieve][docs-sieve])
- **opendkim:** DKIM directory. Auto-configurable via [`setup.sh config dkim`][docs-setupsh]. (Docs: [DKIM][docs-dkim])
- **ssl:** SSL Certificate directory. Auto-configurable via [`setup.sh config ssl`][docs-setupsh]. (Docs: [SSL][docs-ssl])
docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
## Files
- **{user_email_address}.dovecot.sieve:** User specific Sieve filter file. (Docs: [Sieve][docs-sieve])
- **before.dovecot.sieve:** Global Sieve filter file, applied prior to the `${login}.dovecot.sieve` filter. (Docs: [Sieve][docs-sieve])
- **after.dovecot.sieve**: Global Sieve filter file, applied after the `${login}.dovecot.sieve` filter. (Docs: [Sieve][docs-sieve])
- **postfix-main.cf:** Every line will be added to the postfix main configuration. (Docs: [Override Postfix Defaults][docs-override-postfix])
- **postfix-master.cf:** Every line will be added to the postfix master configuration. (Docs: [Override Postfix Defaults][docs-override-postfix])
- **postfix-accounts.cf:** User accounts file. Modify via the [`setup.sh email`][docs-setupsh] script.
- **postfix-send-access.cf:** List of users denied sending. Modify via [`setup.sh email restrict`][docs-setupsh].
- **postfix-receive-access.cf:** List of users denied receiving. Modify via [`setup.sh email restrict`][docs-setupsh].
- **postfix-virtual.cf:** Alias configuration file. Modify via [`setup.sh alias`][docs-setupsh].
- **postfix-sasl-password.cf:** listing of relayed domains with their respective `<username>:<password>`. Modify via `setup.sh relay add-auth <domain> <username> [<password>]`. (Docs: [Relay-Hosts Auth][docs-relayhosts-senderauth])
- **postfix-relaymap.cf:** domain-specific relays and exclusions. Modify via `setup.sh relay add-domain` and `setup.sh relay exclude-domain`. (Docs: [Relay-Hosts Senders][docs-relayhosts-senderhost])
- **postfix-regexp.cf:** Regular expression alias file. (Docs: [Aliases][docs-aliases-regex])
- **ldap-users.cf:** Configuration for the virtual user mapping `virtual_mailbox_maps`. See the [`setup-stack.sh`][github-commit-setup-stack.sh-L411] script.
- **ldap-groups.cf:** Configuration for the virtual alias mapping `virtual_alias_maps`. See the [`setup-stack.sh`][github-commit-setup-stack.sh-L411] script.
- **ldap-aliases.cf:** Configuration for the virtual alias mapping `virtual_alias_maps`. See the [`setup-stack.sh`][github-commit-setup-stack.sh-L411] script.
- **ldap-domains.cf:** Configuration for the virtual domain mapping `virtual_mailbox_domains`. See the [`setup-stack.sh`][github-commit-setup-stack.sh-L411] script.
- **whitelist_clients.local:** Whitelisted domains, not considered by postgrey. Enter one host or domain per line.
docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
- **spamassassin-rules.cf:** Antispam rules for Spamassassin. (Docs: [FAQ - SpamAssassin Rules][docs-faq-spamrules])
- **fail2ban-fail2ban.cf:** Additional config options for `fail2ban.cf`. (Docs: [Fail2Ban][docs-fail2ban])
- **fail2ban-jail.cf:** Additional config options for fail2ban's jail behaviour. (Docs: [Fail2Ban][docs-fail2ban])
- **amavis.cf:** replaces the `/etc/amavis/conf.d/50-user` file
- **dovecot.cf:** replaces `/etc/dovecot/local.conf`. (Docs: [Override Dovecot Defaults][docs-override-dovecot])
- **dovecot-quotas.cf:** list of custom quotas per mailbox. (Docs: [Accounts][docs-accounts-quota])
[docs-accounts-quota]: ../config/user-management/accounts.md#notes
[docs-aliases-regex]: ../config/user-management/aliases.md#configuring-regexp-aliases
[docs-dkim]: ../config/best-practices/dkim.md
[docs-fail2ban]: ../config/security/fail2ban.md
[docs-faq-spamrules]: ../config/troubleshooting/faq.md#how-can-i-manage-my-custom-spamassassin-rules
[docs-override-postfix]: ./override-defaults/postfix.md
[docs-override-dovecot]: ./override-defaults/dovecot.md
[docs-relayhosts-senderauth]: ./mail-forwarding/relay-hosts.md#sender-dependent-authentication
[docs-relayhosts-senderhost]: ./mail-forwarding/relay-hosts.md#sender-dependent-relay-host
[docs-sieve]: ./mail-sieve.md
[docs-setupsh]: ../config/setup.sh.md
[docs-ssl]: ../config/security/ssl.md
[github-commit-setup-stack.sh-L411]: https://github.com/docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver/blob/941e7acdaebe271eaf3d296b36d4d81df4c54b90/target/scripts/startup/setup-stack.sh#L411