mirror of https://github.com/restic/restic.git synced 2024-07-06 09:20:53 +02:00
Philipp Serr 6a548336ec Add a test concurrently saving duplicated chunks
This commit adds an integration test, that calls Archiver.Save from
many goroutines processing several duplicated chunks concurrently.
The test asserts, that after all chunks have been saved, there are no
unreferenced packs in the repository.

The test has been checked to give the expected results:
 1) Running the test with maxParallel=1 (all chunks are processed
    sequentially) has been verified not to produce any unreferenced
    packs. Consequently the test passes.
 2) Running the test with unbounded parallelism (maxParallel=
    math.MaxInt32) has been verified to produce unreferenced packs
    all the time (at least 25 test runs). Consequently the test fails
    due to #358.

references: #358
2015-12-28 18:33:22 +01:00

356 lines
8.3 KiB

package restic_test
import (
. "github.com/restic/restic/test"
var testPol = chunker.Pol(0x3DA3358B4DC173)
type Rdr interface {
type chunkedData struct {
buf []byte
chunks []*chunker.Chunk
func benchmarkChunkEncrypt(b testing.TB, buf, buf2 []byte, rd Rdr, key *crypto.Key) {
rd.Seek(0, 0)
ch := chunker.New(rd, testPol, sha256.New())
for {
chunk, err := ch.Next()
if err == io.EOF {
OK(b, err)
// reduce length of buf
buf = buf[:chunk.Length]
n, err := io.ReadFull(chunk.Reader(rd), buf)
OK(b, err)
Assert(b, uint(n) == chunk.Length, "invalid length: got %d, expected %d", n, chunk.Length)
_, err = crypto.Encrypt(key, buf2, buf)
OK(b, err)
func BenchmarkChunkEncrypt(b *testing.B) {
repo := SetupRepo()
defer TeardownRepo(repo)
data := Random(23, 10<<20) // 10MiB
rd := bytes.NewReader(data)
buf := make([]byte, chunker.MaxSize)
buf2 := make([]byte, chunker.MaxSize)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
benchmarkChunkEncrypt(b, buf, buf2, rd, repo.Key())
func benchmarkChunkEncryptP(b *testing.PB, buf []byte, rd Rdr, key *crypto.Key) {
ch := chunker.New(rd, testPol, sha256.New())
for {
chunk, err := ch.Next()
if err == io.EOF {
// reduce length of chunkBuf
buf = buf[:chunk.Length]
io.ReadFull(chunk.Reader(rd), buf)
crypto.Encrypt(key, buf, buf)
func BenchmarkChunkEncryptParallel(b *testing.B) {
repo := SetupRepo()
defer TeardownRepo(repo)
data := Random(23, 10<<20) // 10MiB
buf := make([]byte, chunker.MaxSize)
b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
for pb.Next() {
rd := bytes.NewReader(data)
benchmarkChunkEncryptP(pb, buf, rd, repo.Key())
func archiveDirectory(b testing.TB) {
repo := SetupRepo()
defer TeardownRepo(repo)
arch := restic.NewArchiver(repo)
_, id, err := arch.Snapshot(nil, []string{BenchArchiveDirectory}, nil)
OK(b, err)
b.Logf("snapshot archived as %v", id)
func TestArchiveDirectory(t *testing.T) {
if BenchArchiveDirectory == "" {
t.Skip("benchdir not set, skipping TestArchiveDirectory")
func BenchmarkArchiveDirectory(b *testing.B) {
if BenchArchiveDirectory == "" {
b.Skip("benchdir not set, skipping BenchmarkArchiveDirectory")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
func archiveWithDedup(t testing.TB) {
repo := SetupRepo()
defer TeardownRepo(repo)
if BenchArchiveDirectory == "" {
t.Skip("benchdir not set, skipping TestArchiverDedup")
var cnt struct {
before, after, after2 struct {
packs, dataBlobs, treeBlobs uint
// archive a few files
sn := SnapshotDir(t, repo, BenchArchiveDirectory, nil)
t.Logf("archived snapshot %v", sn.ID().Str())
// get archive stats
cnt.before.packs = repo.Count(backend.Data)
cnt.before.dataBlobs = repo.Index().Count(pack.Data)
cnt.before.treeBlobs = repo.Index().Count(pack.Tree)
t.Logf("packs %v, data blobs %v, tree blobs %v",
cnt.before.packs, cnt.before.dataBlobs, cnt.before.treeBlobs)
// archive the same files again, without parent snapshot
sn2 := SnapshotDir(t, repo, BenchArchiveDirectory, nil)
t.Logf("archived snapshot %v", sn2.ID().Str())
// get archive stats again
cnt.after.packs = repo.Count(backend.Data)
cnt.after.dataBlobs = repo.Index().Count(pack.Data)
cnt.after.treeBlobs = repo.Index().Count(pack.Tree)
t.Logf("packs %v, data blobs %v, tree blobs %v",
cnt.after.packs, cnt.after.dataBlobs, cnt.after.treeBlobs)
// if there are more data blobs, something is wrong
if cnt.after.dataBlobs > cnt.before.dataBlobs {
t.Fatalf("TestArchiverDedup: too many data blobs in repository: before %d, after %d",
cnt.before.dataBlobs, cnt.after.dataBlobs)
// archive the same files again, with a parent snapshot
sn3 := SnapshotDir(t, repo, BenchArchiveDirectory, sn2.ID())
t.Logf("archived snapshot %v, parent %v", sn3.ID().Str(), sn2.ID().Str())
// get archive stats again
cnt.after2.packs = repo.Count(backend.Data)
cnt.after2.dataBlobs = repo.Index().Count(pack.Data)
cnt.after2.treeBlobs = repo.Index().Count(pack.Tree)
t.Logf("packs %v, data blobs %v, tree blobs %v",
cnt.after2.packs, cnt.after2.dataBlobs, cnt.after2.treeBlobs)
// if there are more data blobs, something is wrong
if cnt.after2.dataBlobs > cnt.before.dataBlobs {
t.Fatalf("TestArchiverDedup: too many data blobs in repository: before %d, after %d",
cnt.before.dataBlobs, cnt.after2.dataBlobs)
func TestArchiveDedup(t *testing.T) {
func BenchmarkLoadTree(t *testing.B) {
repo := SetupRepo()
defer TeardownRepo(repo)
if BenchArchiveDirectory == "" {
t.Skip("benchdir not set, skipping TestArchiverDedup")
// archive a few files
arch := restic.NewArchiver(repo)
sn, _, err := arch.Snapshot(nil, []string{BenchArchiveDirectory}, nil)
OK(t, err)
t.Logf("archived snapshot %v", sn.ID())
list := make([]backend.ID, 0, 10)
done := make(chan struct{})
for _, idx := range repo.Index().All() {
for blob := range idx.Each(done) {
if blob.Type != pack.Tree {
list = append(list, blob.ID)
if len(list) == cap(list) {
// start benchmark
for i := 0; i < t.N; i++ {
for _, id := range list {
_, err := restic.LoadTree(repo, id)
OK(t, err)
// Saves several identical chunks concurrently and later check that there are no
// unreferenced packs in the repository. See also #292 and #358.
// The combination of high duplication and high concurrency should provoke any
// issues leading to unreferenced packs.
func TestParallelSaveWithHighDuplication(t *testing.T) {
repo := SetupRepo()
defer TeardownRepo(repo)
// For every seed a pseudo-random 32Mb blob is generated and split into
// chunks. During the test all chunks of all blobs are processed in parallel
// goroutines. To increase duplication, each chunk is processed
// <duplication> times. Concurrency can be limited by changing <maxParallel>.
// Note: seeds 5, 3, 66, 4, 12 produce the most chunks (descending)
seeds := []int{5, 3, 66, 4, 12}
maxParallel := math.MaxInt32
duplication := 15
arch := restic.NewArchiver(repo)
data := getRandomData(seeds)
barrier := make(chan struct{}, maxParallel)
errChannels := [](<-chan error){}
for _, d := range data {
for _, c := range d.chunks {
for dupIdx := 0; dupIdx < duplication; dupIdx++ {
errChan := make(chan error)
errChannels = append(errChannels, errChan)
go func(buf *[]byte, c *chunker.Chunk, errChan chan<- error) {
barrier <- struct{}{}
hash := c.Digest
id := backend.ID{}
copy(id[:], hash)
err := arch.Save(pack.Data, id, c.Length, c.Reader(bytes.NewReader(*buf)))
errChan <- err
}(&d.buf, c, errChan)
for _, errChan := range errChannels {
OK(t, <-errChan)
OK(t, repo.Flush())
OK(t, repo.SaveIndex())
chkr := createAndInitChecker(t, repo)
assertNoUnreferencedPacks(t, chkr)
func getRandomData(seeds []int) []*chunkedData {
chunks := []*chunkedData{}
sem := make(chan struct{}, len(seeds))
for seed := range seeds {
c := &chunkedData{}
chunks = append(chunks, c)
go func(seed int, data *chunkedData) {
data.buf = Random(seed, 32*1024*1024)
chunker := chunker.New(bytes.NewReader(data.buf), testPol, sha256.New())
for {
c, err := chunker.Next()
if err == io.EOF {
data.chunks = append(data.chunks, c)
sem <- struct{}{}
}(seed, c)
for i := 0; i < len(seeds); i++ {
return chunks
func createAndInitChecker(t *testing.T, repo *repository.Repository) *checker.Checker {
chkr := checker.New(repo)
hints, errs := chkr.LoadIndex()
if len(errs) > 0 {
t.Fatalf("expected no errors, got %v: %v", len(errs), errs)
if len(hints) > 0 {
t.Errorf("expected no hints, got %v: %v", len(hints), hints)
return chkr
func assertNoUnreferencedPacks(t *testing.T, chkr *checker.Checker) {
done := make(chan struct{})
defer close(done)
errChan := make(chan error)
go chkr.Packs(errChan, done)
for err := range errChan {
OK(t, err)