mirror of https://github.com/restic/restic.git synced 2024-06-28 08:00:52 +02:00
Michael Eischer bf054c09d2 backup: Ignore xattr.list permission error for parent directories
On FreeBSD, limited users may not be able to even list xattrs for the
parent directories above the snapshot source paths. As this can cause
the backup to fail, just ignore those errors.
2024-04-10 20:46:15 +02:00

69 lines
1.7 KiB

//go:build darwin || freebsd || linux || solaris
// +build darwin freebsd linux solaris
package restic
import (
// Getxattr retrieves extended attribute data associated with path.
func Getxattr(path, name string) ([]byte, error) {
b, err := xattr.LGet(path, name)
return b, handleXattrErr(err)
// Listxattr retrieves a list of names of extended attributes associated with the
// given path in the file system.
func Listxattr(path string) ([]string, error) {
l, err := xattr.LList(path)
return l, handleXattrErr(err)
func IsListxattrPermissionError(err error) bool {
var xerr *xattr.Error
if errors.As(err, &xerr) {
return xerr.Op == "xattr.list" && errors.Is(xerr.Err, os.ErrPermission)
return false
// Setxattr associates name and data together as an attribute of path.
func Setxattr(path, name string, data []byte) error {
return handleXattrErr(xattr.LSet(path, name, data))
func handleXattrErr(err error) error {
switch e := err.(type) {
case nil:
return nil
case *xattr.Error:
// On Linux, xattr calls on files in an SMB/CIFS mount can return
// ENOATTR instead of ENOTSUP.
switch e.Err {
case syscall.ENOTSUP, xattr.ENOATTR:
return nil
return errors.WithStack(e)
return errors.WithStack(e)
// restoreGenericAttributes is no-op.
func (node *Node) restoreGenericAttributes(_ string, warn func(msg string)) error {
return node.handleAllUnknownGenericAttributesFound(warn)
// fillGenericAttributes is a no-op.
func (node *Node) fillGenericAttributes(_ string, _ os.FileInfo, _ *statT) (allowExtended bool, err error) {
return true, nil