mirror of https://github.com/restic/restic.git synced 2024-06-28 08:00:52 +02:00
Michael Eischer bf054c09d2 backup: Ignore xattr.list permission error for parent directories
On FreeBSD, limited users may not be able to even list xattrs for the
parent directories above the snapshot source paths. As this can cause
the backup to fail, just ignore those errors.
2024-04-10 20:46:15 +02:00

211 lines
7.6 KiB

//go:build windows
// +build windows
package restic
import (
func TestRestoreCreationTime(t *testing.T) {
path := t.TempDir()
fi, err := os.Lstat(path)
test.OK(t, errors.Wrapf(err, "Could not Lstat for path: %s", path))
creationTimeAttribute := getCreationTime(fi, path)
test.OK(t, errors.Wrapf(err, "Could not get creation time for path: %s", path))
//Using the temp dir creation time as the test creation time for the test file and folder
runGenericAttributesTest(t, path, TypeCreationTime, WindowsAttributes{CreationTime: creationTimeAttribute}, false)
func TestRestoreFileAttributes(t *testing.T) {
genericAttributeName := TypeFileAttributes
tempDir := t.TempDir()
normal := uint32(syscall.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL)
hidden := uint32(syscall.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN)
system := uint32(syscall.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM)
archive := uint32(syscall.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE)
encrypted := uint32(windows.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED)
fileAttributes := []WindowsAttributes{
{FileAttributes: &normal},
{FileAttributes: &hidden},
{FileAttributes: &system},
{FileAttributes: &archive},
{FileAttributes: &encrypted},
for i, fileAttr := range fileAttributes {
genericAttrs, err := WindowsAttrsToGenericAttributes(fileAttr)
test.OK(t, err)
expectedNodes := []Node{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("testfile%d", i),
Type: "file",
Mode: 0655,
ModTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:03.111"),
AccessTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:04.222"),
ChangeTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:05.333"),
GenericAttributes: genericAttrs,
runGenericAttributesTestForNodes(t, expectedNodes, tempDir, genericAttributeName, fileAttr, false)
normal = uint32(syscall.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
folderAttributes := []WindowsAttributes{
{FileAttributes: &normal},
{FileAttributes: &hidden},
{FileAttributes: &system},
{FileAttributes: &archive},
{FileAttributes: &encrypted},
for i, folderAttr := range folderAttributes {
genericAttrs, err := WindowsAttrsToGenericAttributes(folderAttr)
test.OK(t, err)
expectedNodes := []Node{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("testdirectory%d", i),
Type: "dir",
Mode: 0755,
ModTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:03.111"),
AccessTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:04.222"),
ChangeTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:05.333"),
GenericAttributes: genericAttrs,
runGenericAttributesTestForNodes(t, expectedNodes, tempDir, genericAttributeName, folderAttr, false)
func runGenericAttributesTest(t *testing.T, tempDir string, genericAttributeName GenericAttributeType, genericAttributeExpected WindowsAttributes, warningExpected bool) {
genericAttributes, err := WindowsAttrsToGenericAttributes(genericAttributeExpected)
test.OK(t, err)
expectedNodes := []Node{
Name: "testfile",
Type: "file",
Mode: 0644,
ModTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:03.111"),
AccessTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:04.222"),
ChangeTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:05.333"),
GenericAttributes: genericAttributes,
Name: "testdirectory",
Type: "dir",
Mode: 0755,
ModTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:03.111"),
AccessTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:04.222"),
ChangeTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:05.333"),
GenericAttributes: genericAttributes,
runGenericAttributesTestForNodes(t, expectedNodes, tempDir, genericAttributeName, genericAttributeExpected, warningExpected)
func runGenericAttributesTestForNodes(t *testing.T, expectedNodes []Node, tempDir string, genericAttr GenericAttributeType, genericAttributeExpected WindowsAttributes, warningExpected bool) {
for _, testNode := range expectedNodes {
testPath, node := restoreAndGetNode(t, tempDir, testNode, warningExpected)
rawMessage := node.GenericAttributes[genericAttr]
genericAttrsExpected, err := WindowsAttrsToGenericAttributes(genericAttributeExpected)
test.OK(t, err)
rawMessageExpected := genericAttrsExpected[genericAttr]
test.Equals(t, rawMessageExpected, rawMessage, "Generic attribute: %s got from NodeFromFileInfo not equal for path: %s", string(genericAttr), testPath)
func restoreAndGetNode(t *testing.T, tempDir string, testNode Node, warningExpected bool) (string, *Node) {
testPath := filepath.Join(tempDir, "001", testNode.Name)
err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(testPath), testNode.Mode)
test.OK(t, errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to create parent directories for: %s", testPath))
if testNode.Type == "file" {
testFile, err := os.Create(testPath)
test.OK(t, errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to create test file: %s", testPath))
} else if testNode.Type == "dir" {
err := os.Mkdir(testPath, testNode.Mode)
test.OK(t, errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to create test directory: %s", testPath))
err = testNode.RestoreMetadata(testPath, func(msg string) {
if warningExpected {
test.Assert(t, warningExpected, "Warning triggered as expected: %s", msg)
} else {
// If warning is not expected, this code should not get triggered.
test.OK(t, fmt.Errorf("Warning triggered for path: %s: %s", testPath, msg))
test.OK(t, errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to restore metadata for: %s", testPath))
fi, err := os.Lstat(testPath)
test.OK(t, errors.Wrapf(err, "Could not Lstat for path: %s", testPath))
nodeFromFileInfo, err := NodeFromFileInfo(testPath, fi, false)
test.OK(t, errors.Wrapf(err, "Could not get NodeFromFileInfo for path: %s", testPath))
return testPath, nodeFromFileInfo
const TypeSomeNewAttribute GenericAttributeType = "MockAttributes.SomeNewAttribute"
func TestNewGenericAttributeType(t *testing.T) {
newGenericAttribute := map[GenericAttributeType]json.RawMessage{}
newGenericAttribute[TypeSomeNewAttribute] = []byte("any value")
tempDir := t.TempDir()
expectedNodes := []Node{
Name: "testfile",
Type: "file",
Mode: 0644,
ModTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:03.111"),
AccessTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:04.222"),
ChangeTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:05.333"),
GenericAttributes: newGenericAttribute,
Name: "testdirectory",
Type: "dir",
Mode: 0755,
ModTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:03.111"),
AccessTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:04.222"),
ChangeTime: parseTime("2005-05-14 21:07:05.333"),
GenericAttributes: newGenericAttribute,
for _, testNode := range expectedNodes {
testPath, node := restoreAndGetNode(t, tempDir, testNode, true)
_, ua, err := genericAttributesToWindowsAttrs(node.GenericAttributes)
test.OK(t, err)
// Since this GenericAttribute is unknown to this version of the software, it will not get set on the file.
test.Assert(t, len(ua) == 0, "Unkown attributes: %s found for path: %s", ua, testPath)