package main import ( "bufio" "bytes" "crypto/rand" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "os" "os/exec" "path/filepath" "regexp" "testing" "" "" . "" ) func setupTarTestFixture(t testing.TB, outputDir, tarFile string) { err := system("sh", "-c", `(cd "$1" && tar xz) < "$2"`, "sh", outputDir, tarFile) OK(t, err) } func system(command string, args ...string) error { cmd := exec.Command(command, args...) cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr return cmd.Run() } func parseIDsFromReader(t testing.TB, rd io.Reader) backend.IDs { IDs := backend.IDs{} sc := bufio.NewScanner(rd) for sc.Scan() { id, err := backend.ParseID(sc.Text()) if err != nil { t.Logf("parse id %v: %v", sc.Text(), err) continue } IDs = append(IDs, id) } return IDs } func cmdInit(t testing.TB, global GlobalOptions) { cmd := &CmdInit{global: &global} OK(t, cmd.Execute(nil)) t.Logf("repository initialized at %v", global.Repo) } func cmdBackup(t testing.TB, global GlobalOptions, target []string, parentID backend.ID) { cmd := &CmdBackup{global: &global} cmd.Parent = parentID.String() t.Logf("backing up %v", target) OK(t, cmd.Execute(target)) } func cmdList(t testing.TB, global GlobalOptions, tpe string) []backend.ID { var buf bytes.Buffer global.stdout = &buf cmd := &CmdList{global: &global} OK(t, cmd.Execute([]string{tpe})) IDs := parseIDsFromReader(t, &buf) return IDs } func cmdRestore(t testing.TB, global GlobalOptions, dir string, snapshotID backend.ID) { cmd := &CmdRestore{global: &global} cmd.Execute([]string{snapshotID.String(), dir}) } func cmdFsck(t testing.TB, global GlobalOptions) { cmd := &CmdFsck{global: &global, CheckData: true, Orphaned: true} OK(t, cmd.Execute(nil)) } func TestBackup(t *testing.T) { withTestEnvironment(t, func(env *testEnvironment, global GlobalOptions) { datafile := filepath.Join("testdata", "backup-data.tar.gz") fd, err := os.Open(datafile) if os.IsNotExist(err) { t.Skipf("unable to find data file %q, skipping", datafile) return } OK(t, err) OK(t, fd.Close()) cmdInit(t, global) setupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile) // first backup cmdBackup(t, global, []string{env.testdata}, nil) snapshotIDs := cmdList(t, global, "snapshots") Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == 1, "expected one snapshot, got %v", snapshotIDs) cmdFsck(t, global) stat1 := dirStats(env.repo) // second backup, implicit incremental cmdBackup(t, global, []string{env.testdata}, nil) snapshotIDs = cmdList(t, global, "snapshots") Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == 2, "expected two snapshots, got %v", snapshotIDs) stat2 := dirStats(env.repo) if stat2.size > stat1.size+stat1.size/10 { t.Error("repository size has grown by more than 10 percent") } t.Logf("repository grown by %d bytes", stat2.size-stat1.size) cmdFsck(t, global) // third backup, explicit incremental cmdBackup(t, global, []string{env.testdata}, snapshotIDs[0]) snapshotIDs = cmdList(t, global, "snapshots") Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == 3, "expected three snapshots, got %v", snapshotIDs) stat3 := dirStats(env.repo) if stat3.size > stat1.size+stat1.size/10 { t.Error("repository size has grown by more than 10 percent") } t.Logf("repository grown by %d bytes", stat3.size-stat2.size) // restore all backups and compare for i, snapshotID := range snapshotIDs { restoredir := filepath.Join(env.base, fmt.Sprintf("restore%d", i)) t.Logf("restoring snapshot %v to %v", snapshotID.Str(), restoredir) cmdRestore(t, global, restoredir, snapshotIDs[0]) Assert(t, directoriesEqualContents(env.testdata, filepath.Join(restoredir, "testdata")), "directories are not equal") } cmdFsck(t, global) }) } func TestBackupNonExistingFile(t *testing.T) { withTestEnvironment(t, func(env *testEnvironment, global GlobalOptions) { datafile := filepath.Join("testdata", "backup-data.tar.gz") fd, err := os.Open(datafile) if os.IsNotExist(err) { t.Skipf("unable to find data file %q, skipping", datafile) return } OK(t, err) OK(t, fd.Close()) setupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile) cmdInit(t, global) global.stderr = ioutil.Discard p := filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0") dirs := []string{ filepath.Join(p, "0"), filepath.Join(p, "1"), filepath.Join(p, "nonexisting"), filepath.Join(p, "5"), } cmdBackup(t, global, dirs, nil) }) } func TestBackupMissingFile1(t *testing.T) { withTestEnvironment(t, func(env *testEnvironment, global GlobalOptions) { datafile := filepath.Join("testdata", "backup-data.tar.gz") fd, err := os.Open(datafile) if os.IsNotExist(err) { t.Skipf("unable to find data file %q, skipping", datafile) return } OK(t, err) OK(t, fd.Close()) setupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile) cmdInit(t, global) ranHook := false debug.Hook("pipe.walk1", func(context interface{}) { pathname := context.(string) if pathname != filepath.Join("testdata", "0", "0", "9") { return } t.Logf("in hook, removing test file testdata/0/0/9/37") ranHook = true OK(t, os.Remove(filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0", "9", "37"))) }) cmdBackup(t, global, []string{env.testdata}, nil) cmdFsck(t, global) Assert(t, ranHook, "hook did not run") debug.RemoveHook("pipe.walk1") }) } func TestBackupMissingFile2(t *testing.T) { withTestEnvironment(t, func(env *testEnvironment, global GlobalOptions) { datafile := filepath.Join("testdata", "backup-data.tar.gz") fd, err := os.Open(datafile) if os.IsNotExist(err) { t.Skipf("unable to find data file %q, skipping", datafile) return } OK(t, err) OK(t, fd.Close()) setupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile) cmdInit(t, global) ranHook := false debug.Hook("pipe.walk2", func(context interface{}) { pathname := context.(string) if pathname != filepath.Join("testdata", "0", "0", "9", "37") { return } t.Logf("in hook, removing test file testdata/0/0/9/37") ranHook = true OK(t, os.Remove(filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0", "9", "37"))) }) cmdBackup(t, global, []string{env.testdata}, nil) cmdFsck(t, global) Assert(t, ranHook, "hook did not run") debug.RemoveHook("pipe.walk2") }) } const ( incrementalFirstWrite = 20 * 1042 * 1024 incrementalSecondWrite = 12 * 1042 * 1024 incrementalThirdWrite = 4 * 1042 * 1024 ) func appendRandomData(filename string, bytes uint) error { f, err := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0666) if err != nil { fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, err) return err } _, err = f.Seek(0, 2) if err != nil { fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, err) return err } _, err = io.Copy(f, io.LimitReader(rand.Reader, int64(bytes))) if err != nil { fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, err) return err } return f.Close() } func TestIncrementalBackup(t *testing.T) { withTestEnvironment(t, func(env *testEnvironment, global GlobalOptions) { cmdInit(t, global) datadir := filepath.Join(env.base, "testdata") testfile := filepath.Join(datadir, "testfile") OK(t, appendRandomData(testfile, incrementalFirstWrite)) cmdBackup(t, global, []string{datadir}, nil) cmdFsck(t, global) stat1 := dirStats(env.repo) OK(t, appendRandomData(testfile, incrementalSecondWrite)) cmdBackup(t, global, []string{datadir}, nil) cmdFsck(t, global) stat2 := dirStats(env.repo) if stat2.size-stat1.size > incrementalFirstWrite { t.Errorf("repository size has grown by more than %d bytes", incrementalFirstWrite) } t.Logf("repository grown by %d bytes", stat2.size-stat1.size) OK(t, appendRandomData(testfile, incrementalThirdWrite)) cmdBackup(t, global, []string{datadir}, nil) cmdFsck(t, global) stat3 := dirStats(env.repo) if stat3.size-stat2.size > incrementalFirstWrite { t.Errorf("repository size has grown by more than %d bytes", incrementalFirstWrite) } t.Logf("repository grown by %d bytes", stat3.size-stat2.size) }) } func cmdKey(t testing.TB, global GlobalOptions, args ...string) string { var buf bytes.Buffer global.stdout = &buf cmd := &CmdKey{global: &global} OK(t, cmd.Execute(args)) return buf.String() } func cmdKeyListOtherIDs(t testing.TB, global GlobalOptions) []string { var buf bytes.Buffer global.stdout = &buf cmd := &CmdKey{global: &global} OK(t, cmd.Execute([]string{"list"})) scanner := bufio.NewScanner(&buf) exp := regexp.MustCompile(`^ ([a-f0-9]+) `) IDs := []string{} for scanner.Scan() { if id := exp.FindStringSubmatch(scanner.Text()); id != nil { IDs = append(IDs, id[1]) } } return IDs } func cmdKeyAddNewKey(t testing.TB, global GlobalOptions, newPassword string) { cmd := &CmdKey{global: &global, newPassword: newPassword} OK(t, cmd.Execute([]string{"add"})) } func cmdKeyPasswd(t testing.TB, global GlobalOptions, newPassword string) { cmd := &CmdKey{global: &global, newPassword: newPassword} OK(t, cmd.Execute([]string{"passwd"})) } func cmdKeyRemove(t testing.TB, global GlobalOptions, IDs []string) { cmd := &CmdKey{global: &global} t.Logf("remove %d keys: %q\n", len(IDs), IDs) for _, id := range IDs { OK(t, cmd.Execute([]string{"rm", id})) } } func TestKeyAddRemove(t *testing.T) { passwordList := []string{ "OnnyiasyatvodsEvVodyawit", "raicneirvOjEfEigonOmLasOd", } withTestEnvironment(t, func(env *testEnvironment, global GlobalOptions) { cmdInit(t, global) cmdKeyPasswd(t, global, "geheim2") global.password = "geheim2" t.Logf("changed password to %q", global.password) for _, newPassword := range passwordList { cmdKeyAddNewKey(t, global, newPassword) t.Logf("added new password %q", newPassword) global.password = newPassword cmdKeyRemove(t, global, cmdKeyListOtherIDs(t, global)) } global.password = passwordList[len(passwordList)-1] t.Logf("testing access with last password %q\n", global.password) cmdKey(t, global, "list") cmdFsck(t, global) }) }