Enhancement: Add `--keep-within-hourly` option to restic forget The `forget` command allowed keeping a given number of hourly backups or to keep all backups within a given interval, but it was not possible to specify keeping hourly backups within a given interval. The new `--keep-within-hourly` option now offers this functionality. Similar options for daily/weekly/monthly/yearly are also implemented, the new options are: --keep-within-hourly <1y2m3d4h> --keep-within-daily <1y2m3d4h> --keep-within-weekly <1y2m3d4h> --keep-within-monthly <1y2m3d4h> --keep-within-yearly <1y2m3d4h> https://github.com/restic/restic/issues/3414 https://github.com/restic/restic/pull/3416 https://forum.restic.net/t/forget-policy/4014/11