// Copyright 2014 Unknwon // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"): you may // not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain // a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the // License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations // under the License. package ini import ( "bytes" "fmt" "strings" "testing" "time" . "github.com/smartystreets/goconvey/convey" ) func Test_Key(t *testing.T) { Convey("Test getting and setting values", t, func() { cfg, err := Load([]byte(_CONF_DATA), "testdata/conf.ini") So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(cfg, ShouldNotBeNil) Convey("Get values in default section", func() { sec := cfg.Section("") So(sec, ShouldNotBeNil) So(sec.Key("NAME").Value(), ShouldEqual, "ini") So(sec.Key("NAME").String(), ShouldEqual, "ini") So(sec.Key("NAME").Validate(func(in string) string { return in }), ShouldEqual, "ini") So(sec.Key("NAME").Comment, ShouldEqual, "; Package name") So(sec.Key("IMPORT_PATH").String(), ShouldEqual, "gopkg.in/ini.v1") }) Convey("Get values in non-default section", func() { sec := cfg.Section("author") So(sec, ShouldNotBeNil) So(sec.Key("NAME").String(), ShouldEqual, "Unknwon") So(sec.Key("GITHUB").String(), ShouldEqual, "https://github.com/Unknwon") sec = cfg.Section("package") So(sec, ShouldNotBeNil) So(sec.Key("CLONE_URL").String(), ShouldEqual, "https://gopkg.in/ini.v1") }) Convey("Get auto-increment key names", func() { keys := cfg.Section("features").Keys() for i, k := range keys { So(k.Name(), ShouldEqual, fmt.Sprintf("#%d", i+1)) } }) Convey("Get parent-keys that are available to the child section", func() { parentKeys := cfg.Section("package.sub").ParentKeys() for _, k := range parentKeys { So(k.Name(), ShouldEqual, "CLONE_URL") } }) Convey("Get overwrite value", func() { So(cfg.Section("author").Key("E-MAIL").String(), ShouldEqual, "u@gogs.io") }) Convey("Get sections", func() { sections := cfg.Sections() for i, name := range []string{DEFAULT_SECTION, "author", "package", "package.sub", "features", "types", "array", "note", "comments", "string escapes", "advance"} { So(sections[i].Name(), ShouldEqual, name) } }) Convey("Get parent section value", func() { So(cfg.Section("package.sub").Key("CLONE_URL").String(), ShouldEqual, "https://gopkg.in/ini.v1") So(cfg.Section("package.fake.sub").Key("CLONE_URL").String(), ShouldEqual, "https://gopkg.in/ini.v1") }) Convey("Get multiple line value", func() { So(cfg.Section("author").Key("BIO").String(), ShouldEqual, "Gopher.\nCoding addict.\nGood man.\n") }) Convey("Get values with type", func() { sec := cfg.Section("types") v1, err := sec.Key("BOOL").Bool() So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(v1, ShouldBeTrue) v1, err = sec.Key("BOOL_FALSE").Bool() So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(v1, ShouldBeFalse) v2, err := sec.Key("FLOAT64").Float64() So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(v2, ShouldEqual, 1.25) v3, err := sec.Key("INT").Int() So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(v3, ShouldEqual, 10) v4, err := sec.Key("INT").Int64() So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(v4, ShouldEqual, 10) v5, err := sec.Key("UINT").Uint() So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(v5, ShouldEqual, 3) v6, err := sec.Key("UINT").Uint64() So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(v6, ShouldEqual, 3) t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "2015-01-01T20:17:05Z") So(err, ShouldBeNil) v7, err := sec.Key("TIME").Time() So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(v7.String(), ShouldEqual, t.String()) Convey("Must get values with type", func() { So(sec.Key("STRING").MustString("404"), ShouldEqual, "str") So(sec.Key("BOOL").MustBool(), ShouldBeTrue) So(sec.Key("FLOAT64").MustFloat64(), ShouldEqual, 1.25) So(sec.Key("INT").MustInt(), ShouldEqual, 10) So(sec.Key("INT").MustInt64(), ShouldEqual, 10) So(sec.Key("UINT").MustUint(), ShouldEqual, 3) So(sec.Key("UINT").MustUint64(), ShouldEqual, 3) So(sec.Key("TIME").MustTime().String(), ShouldEqual, t.String()) dur, err := time.ParseDuration("2h45m") So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(sec.Key("DURATION").MustDuration().Seconds(), ShouldEqual, dur.Seconds()) Convey("Must get values with default value", func() { So(sec.Key("STRING_404").MustString("404"), ShouldEqual, "404") So(sec.Key("BOOL_404").MustBool(true), ShouldBeTrue) So(sec.Key("FLOAT64_404").MustFloat64(2.5), ShouldEqual, 2.5) So(sec.Key("INT_404").MustInt(15), ShouldEqual, 15) So(sec.Key("INT64_404").MustInt64(15), ShouldEqual, 15) So(sec.Key("UINT_404").MustUint(6), ShouldEqual, 6) So(sec.Key("UINT64_404").MustUint64(6), ShouldEqual, 6) t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "2014-01-01T20:17:05Z") So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(sec.Key("TIME_404").MustTime(t).String(), ShouldEqual, t.String()) So(sec.Key("DURATION_404").MustDuration(dur).Seconds(), ShouldEqual, dur.Seconds()) Convey("Must should set default as key value", func() { So(sec.Key("STRING_404").String(), ShouldEqual, "404") So(sec.Key("BOOL_404").String(), ShouldEqual, "true") So(sec.Key("FLOAT64_404").String(), ShouldEqual, "2.5") So(sec.Key("INT_404").String(), ShouldEqual, "15") So(sec.Key("INT64_404").String(), ShouldEqual, "15") So(sec.Key("UINT_404").String(), ShouldEqual, "6") So(sec.Key("UINT64_404").String(), ShouldEqual, "6") So(sec.Key("TIME_404").String(), ShouldEqual, "2014-01-01T20:17:05Z") So(sec.Key("DURATION_404").String(), ShouldEqual, "2h45m0s") }) }) }) }) Convey("Get value with candidates", func() { sec := cfg.Section("types") So(sec.Key("STRING").In("", []string{"str", "arr", "types"}), ShouldEqual, "str") So(sec.Key("FLOAT64").InFloat64(0, []float64{1.25, 2.5, 3.75}), ShouldEqual, 1.25) So(sec.Key("INT").InInt(0, []int{10, 20, 30}), ShouldEqual, 10) So(sec.Key("INT").InInt64(0, []int64{10, 20, 30}), ShouldEqual, 10) So(sec.Key("UINT").InUint(0, []uint{3, 6, 9}), ShouldEqual, 3) So(sec.Key("UINT").InUint64(0, []uint64{3, 6, 9}), ShouldEqual, 3) zt, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "0001-01-01T01:00:00Z") So(err, ShouldBeNil) t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "2015-01-01T20:17:05Z") So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(sec.Key("TIME").InTime(zt, []time.Time{t, time.Now(), time.Now().Add(1 * time.Second)}).String(), ShouldEqual, t.String()) Convey("Get value with candidates and default value", func() { So(sec.Key("STRING_404").In("str", []string{"str", "arr", "types"}), ShouldEqual, "str") So(sec.Key("FLOAT64_404").InFloat64(1.25, []float64{1.25, 2.5, 3.75}), ShouldEqual, 1.25) So(sec.Key("INT_404").InInt(10, []int{10, 20, 30}), ShouldEqual, 10) So(sec.Key("INT64_404").InInt64(10, []int64{10, 20, 30}), ShouldEqual, 10) So(sec.Key("UINT_404").InUint(3, []uint{3, 6, 9}), ShouldEqual, 3) So(sec.Key("UINT_404").InUint64(3, []uint64{3, 6, 9}), ShouldEqual, 3) So(sec.Key("TIME_404").InTime(t, []time.Time{time.Now(), time.Now(), time.Now().Add(1 * time.Second)}).String(), ShouldEqual, t.String()) }) }) Convey("Get values in range", func() { sec := cfg.Section("types") So(sec.Key("FLOAT64").RangeFloat64(0, 1, 2), ShouldEqual, 1.25) So(sec.Key("INT").RangeInt(0, 10, 20), ShouldEqual, 10) So(sec.Key("INT").RangeInt64(0, 10, 20), ShouldEqual, 10) minT, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "0001-01-01T01:00:00Z") So(err, ShouldBeNil) midT, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "2013-01-01T01:00:00Z") So(err, ShouldBeNil) maxT, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "9999-01-01T01:00:00Z") So(err, ShouldBeNil) t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "2015-01-01T20:17:05Z") So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(sec.Key("TIME").RangeTime(t, minT, maxT).String(), ShouldEqual, t.String()) Convey("Get value in range with default value", func() { So(sec.Key("FLOAT64").RangeFloat64(5, 0, 1), ShouldEqual, 5) So(sec.Key("INT").RangeInt(7, 0, 5), ShouldEqual, 7) So(sec.Key("INT").RangeInt64(7, 0, 5), ShouldEqual, 7) So(sec.Key("TIME").RangeTime(t, minT, midT).String(), ShouldEqual, t.String()) }) }) Convey("Get values into slice", func() { sec := cfg.Section("array") So(strings.Join(sec.Key("STRINGS").Strings(","), ","), ShouldEqual, "en,zh,de") So(len(sec.Key("STRINGS_404").Strings(",")), ShouldEqual, 0) vals1 := sec.Key("FLOAT64S").Float64s(",") float64sEqual(vals1, 1.1, 2.2, 3.3) vals2 := sec.Key("INTS").Ints(",") intsEqual(vals2, 1, 2, 3) vals3 := sec.Key("INTS").Int64s(",") int64sEqual(vals3, 1, 2, 3) vals4 := sec.Key("UINTS").Uints(",") uintsEqual(vals4, 1, 2, 3) vals5 := sec.Key("UINTS").Uint64s(",") uint64sEqual(vals5, 1, 2, 3) t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "2015-01-01T20:17:05Z") So(err, ShouldBeNil) vals6 := sec.Key("TIMES").Times(",") timesEqual(vals6, t, t, t) }) Convey("Test string slice escapes", func() { sec := cfg.Section("string escapes") So(sec.Key("key1").Strings(","), ShouldResemble, []string{"value1", "value2", "value3"}) So(sec.Key("key2").Strings(","), ShouldResemble, []string{"value1, value2"}) So(sec.Key("key3").Strings(","), ShouldResemble, []string{`val\ue1`, "value2"}) So(sec.Key("key4").Strings(","), ShouldResemble, []string{`value1\`, `value\\2`}) So(sec.Key("key5").Strings(",,"), ShouldResemble, []string{"value1,, value2"}) So(sec.Key("key6").Strings(" "), ShouldResemble, []string{"aaa", "bbb and space", "ccc"}) }) Convey("Get valid values into slice", func() { sec := cfg.Section("array") vals1 := sec.Key("FLOAT64S").ValidFloat64s(",") float64sEqual(vals1, 1.1, 2.2, 3.3) vals2 := sec.Key("INTS").ValidInts(",") intsEqual(vals2, 1, 2, 3) vals3 := sec.Key("INTS").ValidInt64s(",") int64sEqual(vals3, 1, 2, 3) vals4 := sec.Key("UINTS").ValidUints(",") uintsEqual(vals4, 1, 2, 3) vals5 := sec.Key("UINTS").ValidUint64s(",") uint64sEqual(vals5, 1, 2, 3) t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "2015-01-01T20:17:05Z") So(err, ShouldBeNil) vals6 := sec.Key("TIMES").ValidTimes(",") timesEqual(vals6, t, t, t) }) Convey("Get values one type into slice of another type", func() { sec := cfg.Section("array") vals1 := sec.Key("STRINGS").ValidFloat64s(",") So(vals1, ShouldBeEmpty) vals2 := sec.Key("STRINGS").ValidInts(",") So(vals2, ShouldBeEmpty) vals3 := sec.Key("STRINGS").ValidInt64s(",") So(vals3, ShouldBeEmpty) vals4 := sec.Key("STRINGS").ValidUints(",") So(vals4, ShouldBeEmpty) vals5 := sec.Key("STRINGS").ValidUint64s(",") So(vals5, ShouldBeEmpty) vals6 := sec.Key("STRINGS").ValidTimes(",") So(vals6, ShouldBeEmpty) }) Convey("Get valid values into slice without errors", func() { sec := cfg.Section("array") vals1, err := sec.Key("FLOAT64S").StrictFloat64s(",") So(err, ShouldBeNil) float64sEqual(vals1, 1.1, 2.2, 3.3) vals2, err := sec.Key("INTS").StrictInts(",") So(err, ShouldBeNil) intsEqual(vals2, 1, 2, 3) vals3, err := sec.Key("INTS").StrictInt64s(",") So(err, ShouldBeNil) int64sEqual(vals3, 1, 2, 3) vals4, err := sec.Key("UINTS").StrictUints(",") So(err, ShouldBeNil) uintsEqual(vals4, 1, 2, 3) vals5, err := sec.Key("UINTS").StrictUint64s(",") So(err, ShouldBeNil) uint64sEqual(vals5, 1, 2, 3) t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "2015-01-01T20:17:05Z") So(err, ShouldBeNil) vals6, err := sec.Key("TIMES").StrictTimes(",") So(err, ShouldBeNil) timesEqual(vals6, t, t, t) }) Convey("Get invalid values into slice", func() { sec := cfg.Section("array") vals1, err := sec.Key("STRINGS").StrictFloat64s(",") So(vals1, ShouldBeEmpty) So(err, ShouldNotBeNil) vals2, err := sec.Key("STRINGS").StrictInts(",") So(vals2, ShouldBeEmpty) So(err, ShouldNotBeNil) vals3, err := sec.Key("STRINGS").StrictInt64s(",") So(vals3, ShouldBeEmpty) So(err, ShouldNotBeNil) vals4, err := sec.Key("STRINGS").StrictUints(",") So(vals4, ShouldBeEmpty) So(err, ShouldNotBeNil) vals5, err := sec.Key("STRINGS").StrictUint64s(",") So(vals5, ShouldBeEmpty) So(err, ShouldNotBeNil) vals6, err := sec.Key("STRINGS").StrictTimes(",") So(vals6, ShouldBeEmpty) So(err, ShouldNotBeNil) }) Convey("Get key hash", func() { cfg.Section("").KeysHash() }) Convey("Set key value", func() { k := cfg.Section("author").Key("NAME") k.SetValue("无闻") So(k.String(), ShouldEqual, "无闻") }) Convey("Get key strings", func() { So(strings.Join(cfg.Section("types").KeyStrings(), ","), ShouldEqual, "STRING,BOOL,BOOL_FALSE,FLOAT64,INT,TIME,DURATION,UINT") }) Convey("Delete a key", func() { cfg.Section("package.sub").DeleteKey("UNUSED_KEY") _, err := cfg.Section("package.sub").GetKey("UNUSED_KEY") So(err, ShouldNotBeNil) }) Convey("Has Key (backwards compatible)", func() { sec := cfg.Section("package.sub") haskey1 := sec.Haskey("UNUSED_KEY") haskey2 := sec.Haskey("CLONE_URL") haskey3 := sec.Haskey("CLONE_URL_NO") So(haskey1, ShouldBeTrue) So(haskey2, ShouldBeTrue) So(haskey3, ShouldBeFalse) }) Convey("Has Key", func() { sec := cfg.Section("package.sub") haskey1 := sec.HasKey("UNUSED_KEY") haskey2 := sec.HasKey("CLONE_URL") haskey3 := sec.HasKey("CLONE_URL_NO") So(haskey1, ShouldBeTrue) So(haskey2, ShouldBeTrue) So(haskey3, ShouldBeFalse) }) Convey("Has Value", func() { sec := cfg.Section("author") hasvalue1 := sec.HasValue("Unknwon") hasvalue2 := sec.HasValue("doc") So(hasvalue1, ShouldBeTrue) So(hasvalue2, ShouldBeFalse) }) }) Convey("Test getting and setting bad values", t, func() { cfg, err := Load([]byte(_CONF_DATA), "testdata/conf.ini") So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(cfg, ShouldNotBeNil) Convey("Create new key with empty name", func() { k, err := cfg.Section("").NewKey("", "") So(err, ShouldNotBeNil) So(k, ShouldBeNil) }) Convey("Create new section with empty name", func() { s, err := cfg.NewSection("") So(err, ShouldNotBeNil) So(s, ShouldBeNil) }) Convey("Create new sections with empty name", func() { So(cfg.NewSections(""), ShouldNotBeNil) }) Convey("Get section that not exists", func() { s, err := cfg.GetSection("404") So(err, ShouldNotBeNil) So(s, ShouldBeNil) s = cfg.Section("404") So(s, ShouldNotBeNil) }) }) Convey("Test key hash clone", t, func() { cfg, err := Load([]byte(strings.Replace("network=tcp,addr=,db=4,pool_size=100,idle_timeout=180", ",", "\n", -1))) So(err, ShouldBeNil) for _, v := range cfg.Section("").KeysHash() { So(len(v), ShouldBeGreaterThan, 0) } }) Convey("Key has empty value", t, func() { _conf := `key1= key2= ; comment` cfg, err := Load([]byte(_conf)) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(cfg.Section("").Key("key1").Value(), ShouldBeEmpty) }) } const _CONF_GIT_CONFIG = ` [remote "origin"] url = https://github.com/Antergone/test1.git url = https://github.com/Antergone/test2.git ` func Test_Key_Shadows(t *testing.T) { Convey("Shadows keys", t, func() { Convey("Disable shadows", func() { cfg, err := Load([]byte(_CONF_GIT_CONFIG)) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(cfg.Section(`remote "origin"`).Key("url").String(), ShouldEqual, "https://github.com/Antergone/test2.git") }) Convey("Enable shadows", func() { cfg, err := ShadowLoad([]byte(_CONF_GIT_CONFIG)) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(cfg.Section(`remote "origin"`).Key("url").String(), ShouldEqual, "https://github.com/Antergone/test1.git") So(strings.Join(cfg.Section(`remote "origin"`).Key("url").ValueWithShadows(), " "), ShouldEqual, "https://github.com/Antergone/test1.git https://github.com/Antergone/test2.git") Convey("Save with shadows", func() { var buf bytes.Buffer _, err := cfg.WriteTo(&buf) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(buf.String(), ShouldEqual, `[remote "origin"] url = https://github.com/Antergone/test1.git url = https://github.com/Antergone/test2.git `) }) }) }) } func newTestFile(block bool) *File { c, _ := Load([]byte(_CONF_DATA)) c.BlockMode = block return c } func Benchmark_Key_Value(b *testing.B) { c := newTestFile(true) for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { c.Section("").Key("NAME").Value() } } func Benchmark_Key_Value_NonBlock(b *testing.B) { c := newTestFile(false) for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { c.Section("").Key("NAME").Value() } } func Benchmark_Key_Value_ViaSection(b *testing.B) { c := newTestFile(true) sec := c.Section("") for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { sec.Key("NAME").Value() } } func Benchmark_Key_Value_ViaSection_NonBlock(b *testing.B) { c := newTestFile(false) sec := c.Section("") for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { sec.Key("NAME").Value() } } func Benchmark_Key_Value_Direct(b *testing.B) { c := newTestFile(true) key := c.Section("").Key("NAME") for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { key.Value() } } func Benchmark_Key_Value_Direct_NonBlock(b *testing.B) { c := newTestFile(false) key := c.Section("").Key("NAME") for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { key.Value() } } func Benchmark_Key_String(b *testing.B) { c := newTestFile(true) for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { _ = c.Section("").Key("NAME").String() } } func Benchmark_Key_String_NonBlock(b *testing.B) { c := newTestFile(false) for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { _ = c.Section("").Key("NAME").String() } } func Benchmark_Key_String_ViaSection(b *testing.B) { c := newTestFile(true) sec := c.Section("") for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { _ = sec.Key("NAME").String() } } func Benchmark_Key_String_ViaSection_NonBlock(b *testing.B) { c := newTestFile(false) sec := c.Section("") for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { _ = sec.Key("NAME").String() } } func Benchmark_Key_SetValue(b *testing.B) { c := newTestFile(true) for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { c.Section("").Key("NAME").SetValue("10") } } func Benchmark_Key_SetValue_VisSection(b *testing.B) { c := newTestFile(true) sec := c.Section("") for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { sec.Key("NAME").SetValue("10") } }