REST Backend ============ Restic can interact with HTTP Backend that respects the following REST API. ## HEAD /config Returns "200 OK" if the repository has a configuration, an HTTP error otherwise. ## GET /config Returns the content of the configuration file if the repository has a configuration, an HTTP error otherwise. Response format: binary/octet-stream ## POST /config Returns "200 OK" if the configuration of the request body has been saved, an HTTP error otherwise. ## GET /{type}/ Returns a JSON array containing the names of all the blobs stored for a given type. Response format: JSON ## HEAD /{type}/{name} Returns "200 OK" if the blob with the given name and type is stored in the repository, "404 not found" otherwise. If the blob exists, the HTTP header `Content-Length` is set to the file size. ## GET /{type}/{name} Returns the content of the blob with the given name and type if it is stored in the repository, "404 not found" otherwise. If the request specifies a partial read with a Range header field, then the status code of the response is 206 instead of 200 and the response only contains the specified range. Response format: binary/octet-stream ## POST /{type}/{name} Saves the content of the request body as a blob with the given name and type, an HTTP error otherwise. Request format: binary/octet-stream ## DELETE /{type}/{name} Returns "200 OK" if the blob with the given name and type has been deleted from the repository, an HTTP error otherwise.