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# DO NOT MODIFY. This file was generated by
# github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/google-cloud-common/testing/firestore/cmd/generate-firestore-tests/generate-firestore-tests.go.
# If there is an existing orderBy clause on __name__, no changes are made to the
# list of orderBy clauses.
description: "query: cursor method, doc snapshot, existing orderBy __name__"
query: <
coll_path: "projects/projectID/databases/(default)/documents/C"
clauses: <
order_by: <
path: <
field: "a"
direction: "desc"
clauses: <
order_by: <
path: <
field: "__name__"
direction: "asc"
clauses: <
start_at: <
doc_snapshot: <
path: "projects/projectID/databases/(default)/documents/C/D"
json_data: "{\"a\": 7, \"b\": 8}"
clauses: <
end_at: <
doc_snapshot: <
path: "projects/projectID/databases/(default)/documents/C/D"
json_data: "{\"a\": 7, \"b\": 8}"
query: <
from: <
collection_id: "C"
order_by: <
field: <
field_path: "a"
direction: DESCENDING
order_by: <
field: <
field_path: "__name__"
direction: ASCENDING
start_at: <
values: <
integer_value: 7
values: <
reference_value: "projects/projectID/databases/(default)/documents/C/D"
before: true
end_at: <
values: <
integer_value: 7
values: <
reference_value: "projects/projectID/databases/(default)/documents/C/D"