#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (C) 2014 Mathieu GAUTHIER-LAFAYE # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # Updated 2016 by Matt Harris # # Added support for Proxmox VE 4.x # Added support for using the Notes field of a VM to define groups and variables: # A well-formatted JSON object in the Notes field will be added to the _meta # section for that VM. In addition, the "groups" key of this JSON object may be # used to specify group membership: # # { "groups": ["utility", "databases"], "a": false, "b": true } from six.moves.urllib import request, parse, error try: import json except ImportError: import simplejson as json import os import sys import socket import re from optparse import OptionParser from six import iteritems from six.moves.urllib.error import HTTPError from ansible.module_utils.urls import open_url class ProxmoxNodeList(list): def get_names(self): return [node['node'] for node in self] class ProxmoxVM(dict): def get_variables(self): variables = {} for key, value in iteritems(self): variables['proxmox_' + key] = value return variables class ProxmoxVMList(list): def __init__(self, data=[], pxmxver=0.0): self.ver = pxmxver for item in data: self.append(ProxmoxVM(item)) def get_names(self): if self.ver >= 4.0: return [vm['name'] for vm in self if vm['template'] != 1] else: return [vm['name'] for vm in self] def get_by_name(self, name): results = [vm for vm in self if vm['name'] == name] return results[0] if len(results) > 0 else None def get_variables(self): variables = {} for vm in self: variables[vm['name']] = vm.get_variables() return variables class ProxmoxPoolList(list): def get_names(self): return [pool['poolid'] for pool in self] class ProxmoxVersion(dict): def get_version(self): return float(self['version'].split('-')[0]) class ProxmoxPool(dict): def get_members_name(self): return [member['name'] for member in self['members'] if (member['type'] == 'qemu' or member['type'] == 'lxc') and member['template'] != 1] class ProxmoxAPI(object): def __init__(self, options, config_path): self.options = options self.credentials = None if not options.url or not options.username or not options.password: if os.path.isfile(config_path): with open(config_path, "r") as config_file: config_data = json.load(config_file) if not options.url: try: options.url = config_data["url"] except KeyError: options.url = None if not options.username: try: options.username = config_data["username"] except KeyError: options.username = None if not options.password: try: options.password = config_data["password"] except KeyError: options.password = None if not options.url: raise Exception('Missing mandatory parameter --url (or PROXMOX_URL or "url" key in config file).') elif not options.username: raise Exception( 'Missing mandatory parameter --username (or PROXMOX_USERNAME or "username" key in config file).') elif not options.password: raise Exception( 'Missing mandatory parameter --password (or PROXMOX_PASSWORD or "password" key in config file).') # URL should end with a trailing slash if not options.url.endswith("/"): options.url = options.url + "/" def auth(self): request_path = '{0}api2/json/access/ticket'.format(self.options.url) request_params = parse.urlencode({ 'username': self.options.username, 'password': self.options.password, }) data = json.load(open_url(request_path, data=request_params, validate_certs=self.options.validate)) self.credentials = { 'ticket': data['data']['ticket'], 'CSRFPreventionToken': data['data']['CSRFPreventionToken'], } def get(self, url, data=None): request_path = '{0}{1}'.format(self.options.url, url) headers = {'Cookie': 'PVEAuthCookie={0}'.format(self.credentials['ticket'])} request = open_url(request_path, data=data, headers=headers, validate_certs=self.options.validate) response = json.load(request) return response['data'] def nodes(self): return ProxmoxNodeList(self.get('api2/json/nodes')) def vms_by_type(self, node, type): return ProxmoxVMList(self.get('api2/json/nodes/{0}/{1}'.format(node, type)), self.version().get_version()) def vm_description_by_type(self, node, vm, type): return self.get('api2/json/nodes/{0}/{1}/{2}/config'.format(node, type, vm)) def node_qemu(self, node): return self.vms_by_type(node, 'qemu') def node_qemu_description(self, node, vm): return self.vm_description_by_type(node, vm, 'qemu') def node_lxc(self, node): return self.vms_by_type(node, 'lxc') def node_lxc_description(self, node, vm): return self.vm_description_by_type(node, vm, 'lxc') def node_openvz(self, node): return self.vms_by_type(node, 'openvz') def node_openvz_description(self, node, vm): return self.vm_description_by_type(node, vm, 'openvz') def pools(self): return ProxmoxPoolList(self.get('api2/json/pools')) def pool(self, poolid): return ProxmoxPool(self.get('api2/json/pools/{0}'.format(poolid))) def qemu_agent(self, node, vm): try: info = self.get('api2/json/nodes/{0}/qemu/{1}/agent/info'.format(node, vm)) if info is not None: return True except HTTPError as error: return False def openvz_ip_address(self, node, vm): try: config = self.get('api2/json/nodes/{0}/lxc/{1}/config'.format(node, vm)) except HTTPError: return False try: ip_address = re.search('ip=(\d*\.\d*\.\d*\.\d*)', config['net0']).group(1) return ip_address except: return False def version(self): return ProxmoxVersion(self.get('api2/json/version')) def qemu_agent_info(self, node, vm): system_info = SystemInfo() osinfo = self.get('api2/json/nodes/{0}/qemu/{1}/agent/get-osinfo'.format(node, vm))['result'] if osinfo: if 'id' in osinfo: system_info.id = osinfo['id'] if 'name' in osinfo: system_info.name = osinfo['name'] if 'machine' in osinfo: system_info.machine = osinfo['machine'] if 'kernel-release' in osinfo: system_info.kernel = osinfo['kernel-release'] if 'version-id' in osinfo: system_info.version_id = osinfo['version-id'] ip_address = None networks = self.get('api2/json/nodes/{0}/qemu/{1}/agent/network-get-interfaces'.format(node, vm))['result'] if networks: if type(networks) is dict: for network in networks: for ip_address in ['ip-address']: try: # IP address validation if socket.inet_aton(ip_address): # Ignore localhost if ip_address != '': system_info.ip_address = ip_address except socket.error: pass elif type(networks) is list: for network in networks: if 'ip-addresses' in network: for ip_address in network['ip-addresses']: try: # IP address validation if socket.inet_aton(ip_address['ip-address']): # Ignore localhost if ip_address['ip-address'] != '': system_info.ip_address = ip_address['ip-address'] except socket.error: pass return system_info class SystemInfo(object): id = "" name = "" machine = "" kernel = "" version_id = "" ip_address = "" def main_list(options, config_path): results = { 'all': { 'hosts': [], }, '_meta': { 'hostvars': {}, } } proxmox_api = ProxmoxAPI(options, config_path) proxmox_api.auth() for node in proxmox_api.nodes().get_names(): try: qemu_list = proxmox_api.node_qemu(node) except HTTPError as error: # the API raises code 595 when target node is unavailable, skip it if error.code == 595 or error.code == 596: continue # if it was some other error, reraise it raise error results['all']['hosts'] += qemu_list.get_names() results['_meta']['hostvars'].update(qemu_list.get_variables()) if proxmox_api.version().get_version() >= 4.0: lxc_list = proxmox_api.node_lxc(node) results['all']['hosts'] += lxc_list.get_names() results['_meta']['hostvars'].update(lxc_list.get_variables()) else: openvz_list = proxmox_api.node_openvz(node) results['all']['hosts'] += openvz_list.get_names() results['_meta']['hostvars'].update(openvz_list.get_variables()) # Merge QEMU and Containers lists from this node node_hostvars = qemu_list.get_variables().copy() if proxmox_api.version().get_version() >= 4.0: node_hostvars.update(lxc_list.get_variables()) else: node_hostvars.update(openvz_list.get_variables()) # Check only VM/containers from the current node for vm in node_hostvars: vmid = results['_meta']['hostvars'][vm]['proxmox_vmid'] try: type = results['_meta']['hostvars'][vm]['proxmox_type'] except KeyError: type = 'qemu' results['_meta']['hostvars'][vm]['proxmox_type'] = 'qemu' try: description = proxmox_api.vm_description_by_type(node, vmid, type)['description'] except KeyError: description = None try: metadata = json.loads(description) except TypeError: metadata = {} except ValueError: metadata = { 'notes': description } if type == 'qemu': # Retrieve information from QEMU agent if installed if proxmox_api.qemu_agent(node, vmid): system_info = proxmox_api.qemu_agent_info(node, vmid) results['_meta']['hostvars'][vm]['ansible_host'] = system_info.ip_address results['_meta']['hostvars'][vm]['proxmox_os_id'] = system_info.id results['_meta']['hostvars'][vm]['proxmox_os_name'] = system_info.name results['_meta']['hostvars'][vm]['proxmox_os_machine'] = system_info.machine results['_meta']['hostvars'][vm]['proxmox_os_kernel'] = system_info.kernel results['_meta']['hostvars'][vm]['proxmox_os_version_id'] = system_info.version_id else: results['_meta']['hostvars'][vm]['ansible_host'] = proxmox_api.openvz_ip_address(node, vmid) if 'groups' in metadata: # print metadata for group in metadata['groups']: if group not in results: results[group] = { 'hosts': [] } results[group]['hosts'] += [vm] # Create group 'running' # so you can: --limit 'running' status = results['_meta']['hostvars'][vm]['proxmox_status'] if status == 'running': if 'running' not in results: results['running'] = { 'hosts': [] } results['running']['hosts'] += [vm] if 'proxmox_os_id' in results['_meta']['hostvars'][vm]: osid = results['_meta']['hostvars'][vm]['proxmox_os_id'] if osid not in results: results[osid] = { 'hosts': [] } results[osid]['hosts'] += [vm] results['_meta']['hostvars'][vm].update(metadata) # pools for pool in proxmox_api.pools().get_names(): results[pool] = { 'hosts': proxmox_api.pool(pool).get_members_name(), } return results def main_host(options, config_path): proxmox_api = ProxmoxAPI(options, config_path) proxmox_api.auth() for node in proxmox_api.nodes().get_names(): qemu_list = proxmox_api.node_qemu(node) qemu = qemu_list.get_by_name(options.host) if qemu: return qemu.get_variables() return {} def main(): config_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0] + ".json" ) bool_validate_cert = True if os.path.isfile(config_path): with open(config_path, "r") as config_file: config_data = json.load(config_file) try: bool_validate_cert = config_data["validateCert"] except KeyError: pass if 'PROXMOX_INVALID_CERT' in os.environ: bool_validate_cert = False parser = OptionParser(usage='%prog [options] --list | --host HOSTNAME') parser.add_option('--list', action="store_true", default=False, dest="list") parser.add_option('--host', dest="host") parser.add_option('--url', default=os.environ.get('PROXMOX_URL'), dest='url') parser.add_option('--username', default=os.environ.get('PROXMOX_USERNAME'), dest='username') parser.add_option('--password', default=os.environ.get('PROXMOX_PASSWORD'), dest='password') parser.add_option('--pretty', action="store_true", default=False, dest='pretty') parser.add_option('--trust-invalid-certs', action="store_false", default=bool_validate_cert, dest='validate') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.list: data = main_list(options, config_path) elif options.host: data = main_host(options, config_path) else: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) indent = None if options.pretty: indent = 2 print((json.dumps(data, indent=indent))) if __name__ == '__main__': main()