# Ansible-Proxmox-inventory ## About Proxmox dynamic inventory for Ansible. Based on [original plugin](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ansible/ansible/devel/contrib/inventory/proxmox.py) from Mathieu Gauthier-Lafaye Changelog: - Added option to ignore invalid SSL certificate (by @bmillemathias) [PR](https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/17247) - Compatible with a Proxmox cluster (by @xezpeleta) - Added group 'running' (by @xezpeleta) ## Instructions Download **proxmox.py** to */etc/ansible/* directory: ```sh cd /etc/ansible sudo wget https://github.com/xezpeleta/Ansible-Proxmox-inventory/raw/master/proxmox.py sudo chmod +x proxmox.py ``` Let's test it: ```sh python /etc/ansible/proxmox.py \ --url=https://:8006 \ --username= \ --password= \ --trust-invalid-certs \ --list --pretty ``` If you get a list with all the VM in your Proxmox cluster, everything is ok. I suggest you to use environment variables to store Proxmox credentials: ```sh export PROXMOX_URL= export PROXMOX_USERNAME=apiuser@pve export PROXMOX_PASSWORD=apiuser1234 export PROXMOX_INVALID_CERT=False ``` So now you can check it again without credential parameters: ```sh python /etc/ansible/proxmox.py --list --pretty ``` Once you get this working, you can include the dynamic inventory in your ansible commands: ```sh ansible -i /etc/ansible/proxmox.py ... ``` ## Tricks If you prefer, you can limit the commands to the group "running": ```sh ansible-playbook -i /etc/ansible/proxmox.py --limit 'running' playbook.yml ``` Thanks to Matt Harris, you can use the Notes field in Proxmox to add a host to a group: > Added support for Proxmox VE 4.x > Added support for using the Notes field of a VM to define groups and variables: > A well-formatted JSON object in the Notes field will be added to the _meta > section for that VM. In addition, the "groups" key of this JSON object may be > used to specify group membership: > > { "groups": ["utility", "databases"], "a": false, "b": true } For instance, you can use the following JSON code in a VM host: ```json { "groups": ["windows"] } ``` So if you want to exclude Windows machines, you could do the following: ```sh ansible-playbook -i /etc/ansible/proxmox.py --limit 'running,!windows' playbook.yml ```