
33 lines
940 B

import json
import requests
from todoist_interface import mantishub
import mocks
def test_mantishub_init():
api = mantishub.MantishubAPI("mantistoken")
assert api.token == "mantistoken"
def test_mantishub_get_tickets(monkeypatch, example_tickets):
def mock_get(*args, **kwargs):
return mocks.MockResponse(example_tickets)
# apply the monkeypatch for requests.get to mock_get
monkeypatch.setattr(requests, "get", mock_get)
api = mantishub.MantishubAPI("mantistoken")
tickets = api.get_tickets()
assert tickets[0]['content'] == "[Sample issue title]("
def test_covert_to_todoist(example_tickets):
issues = json.loads(example_tickets)
tasks = mantishub.convert_to_todoist(issues["issues"])
assert tasks == [
{'content': '[Sample issue title](',
'label_ids': [2158784659]}