ALL=$(wildcard *.sty *.tex *.org pictures/*.svg pictures/*.eps pictures/*.dot \ pictures/*.tex pictures/*.puml) PAPER=projektantrag_main.tex SHELL=/bin/bash FIGURES_SVG=$(wildcard pictures/*.svg) FIGURES_EPS=$(wildcard pictures/*.eps) FIGURES_DOT=$(wildcard pictures/*.dot) FIGURES_TEX=$(wildcard pictures/*.tex) FIGURES_PUML=$(wildcard pictures/*.puml) BIBLIOGRAPHY=$(wildcard general/*.bib) SVG_PDF=$(FIGURES_SVG:.svg=.pdf) EPS_PDF=$(FIGURES_EPS:.eps=.pdf) DOT_PDF=$( TEX_PDF=$(FIGURES_TEX:.tex=.pdf) PUML_PDF=$(FIGURES_PUML:.puml=.svg) all: projektantrag_main.pdf ## Build full thesis (LaTeX + figures) projektantrag_main.pdf: $(SVG_PDF) $(EPS_PDF) $(DOT_PDF) $(TEX_PDF) \ $(PUML_PDF) projektantrag.tex general/ibzlogo.pdf $(BIBLIOGRAPHY) latexmk -quiet -pdf -pdflatex="pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode" \ -use-make $(PAPER) clean: ## Clean LaTeX and output figure files latexmk -c $(PAPER) rm -f $(SVG_PDF) rm -f $(EPS_PDF) rm -f $(DOT_PDF) rm -f $(PUML_PDF) rm -f general/ibzlogo.pdf rm -f *.acn rm -f *.bbl rm -f *.glo rm -f *.ist rm -f *.run.xml rm -f *-blx.bib rm -rf auto/ rm -rf general/auto/ rm -rf general/style.aux pictures/%.pdf: pictures/%.svg ## Figures for the manuscript inkscape -C -z --file=$< --export-pdf=$@ pictures/%.pdf: pictures/%.eps ## Figures for the manuscript inkscape -C -z --file=$< --export-pdf=$@ general/ibzlogo.pdf: general/ibzlogo.eps inkscape -C -z --file=$< --export-pdf=$@ pictures/%.pdf: pictures/ ## Figures for the manuscript dot -Tpdf $< -o $@ pictures/%.pdf: pictures/%.tex ## Figures for the manuscript latexmk -quiet -pdf -outdir=pictures \ -pdflatex="pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode" -use-make $< pictures/%.svg: pictures/%.puml java -jar ~/bin/plantuml.jar -tsvg $< projektantrag.tex: emacs -l ~/.emacs.d/init.el --batch \ --eval="(progn (find-file \"\") (org-latex-export-to-latex nil nil nil t))"