import time import uuid import pytest from cryptography.fernet import Fernet from freezegun import freeze_time from werkzeug.exceptions import BadRequest # noinspection PyPep8Naming import snapbin.main as snapbin def test_get_password(): password = "melatonin overdose 1337!$" key = snapbin.set_password(password, 30) assert password == snapbin.get_password(key) # Assert that we can't look this up a second time. assert snapbin.get_password(key) == None def test_password_is_not_stored_in_plaintext(): password = "trustno1" token = snapbin.set_password(password, 30) redis_key = token.split(snapbin.TOKEN_SEPARATOR)[0] stored_password_text = snapbin.redis_client.get(redis_key).decode("utf-8") assert stored_password_text not in password def test_returned_token_format(): password = "trustsome1" token = snapbin.set_password(password, 30) token_fragments = token.split(snapbin.TOKEN_SEPARATOR) assert 2 == len(token_fragments) redis_key, encryption_key = token_fragments assert (32 + len(snapbin.REDIS_PREFIX)) == len(redis_key) try: Fernet(encryption_key.encode("utf-8")) except ValueError: assert False, "the encryption key is not valid" def test_encryption_key_is_returned(): password = "trustany1" token = snapbin.set_password(password, 30) token_fragments = token.split(snapbin.TOKEN_SEPARATOR) redis_key, encryption_key = token_fragments stored_password = snapbin.redis_client.get(redis_key) fernet = Fernet(encryption_key.encode("utf-8")) decrypted_password = fernet.decrypt(stored_password).decode("utf-8") assert password == decrypted_password def test_unencrypted_passwords_still_work(): unencrypted_password = "trustevery1" storage_key = uuid.uuid4().hex snapbin.redis_client.setex(storage_key, 30, unencrypted_password) retrieved_password = snapbin.get_password(storage_key) assert unencrypted_password == retrieved_password def test_password_is_decoded(): password = "correct horse battery staple" key = snapbin.set_password(password, 30) assert not isinstance(snapbin.get_password(key), bytes) def test_clean_input(): # Test Bad Data with "/", data={"password": "foo", "ttl": "bar"}, method="POST" ): with pytest.raises(BadRequest): snapbin.clean_input() # No Password with"/", method="POST"): with pytest.raises(BadRequest): snapbin.clean_input() # No TTL with "/", data={"password": "foo", "ttl": ""}, method="POST" ): assert (604800, "foo") == snapbin.clean_input() with "/", data={"password": "foo", "ttl": 3600}, method="POST" ): assert (3600, "foo") == snapbin.clean_input() def test_password_before_expiration(): password = "fidelio" key = snapbin.set_password(password, 1) assert password == snapbin.get_password(key) def test_password_after_expiration(): password = "open sesame" key = snapbin.set_password(password, 1) time.sleep(1.5) assert snapbin.get_password(key) == None def test_preview_password(app): password = "I like novelty kitten statues!" key = snapbin.set_password(password, 30) rv = app.get("/{0}".format(key)) assert password not in rv.get_data(as_text=True) def test_show_password(app): password = "I like novelty kitten statues!" key = snapbin.set_password(password, 30) rv ="/get-secret", data={"key": key}) assert password in rv.get_data(as_text=True) def test_set_password_json(app): with freeze_time("2020-05-08 12:00:00") as frozen_time: password = "my name is my passport. verify me." rv = "/", headers={"Accept": "application/json"}, data={"password": password, "ttl": 3000}, ) json_content = rv.get_json() key = json_content["key"] frozen_time.move_to("2020-05-22 11:59:59") assert snapbin.get_password(key) == password frozen_time.move_to("2020-05-22 12:00:00") assert snapbin.get_password(key) == None