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title: 'How we started to donate to Open Source at work'
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publish_date: '2023-07-12 20:19'
date: '2023-07-12 20:19'
# How we started to donate to Open Source at work
## Pitching the idea
As you might have seen in the news, there have been a lot of articles over the
years that Open Source software doesn't receive enough support, especially
At my employer [Contria GmbH]( we use a lot of Open Source software or freely
available tools:
- Ubuntu as the base OS for our VMs
- Ansible to deploy the VMs
- Nginx, PHP and MariaDB to run the applications
- Vagrant and Virtualbox to set up a development environment
Just to name a few.
I would consider myself a Free Software enthusiast and read a lot of those
articles mentioned in the first paragraph. So a few years ago I decided, I
would try and ask if Contria would be willing to donate to the various Open
Source projects we use to build and run our products.
When I spoke with the manager of the company about it, I wasn't actually met
with a lot of resistance. I mentioned the funding problems a lot of Open Source
projects had and asked if we as Contria might be wiling to support them in this
regard. He quickly saw the reasoning behind the idea and was willing to
continue with the project.
> **Just like that?** \
> _Yes just like that. Personally I expected more resistance and hope that it
> will be this easy for everyone who tries to do something similar._
## Getting started
After the initial pitch it took a few years, due to our workload, before we
actually started with the project. But in 2021 I was able to officially
dedicate some of my time to the project.
I started to create a short list with software and projects we used and seemed
worth to donate to. I focused mainly on non-profit organisations and
individuals. For example, while we use Ubuntu it makes more sense to me to
donate to Debian. Ubuntu is based on Debian, and Canonical (the company behind
Ubuntu) is already profitable.
In addition to the larger and more system related projects, I would like to
start curating a list of essential packages and libraries we use in our
products. So far we only donated to about two or three, but I expect this to be
something to grow each year anyway.
After I created the list I assigned a percentage of a potential budget to each
project. Currently, these are just 5 and 10% per project. The percentages are
roughly weighed by importance to our work and to a lesser extent by the size of
the project. This way the distribution wasn't based on the actual budget
because when I created the list I didn't know yet how much money was available
for donations. It then turned out that the budget would be a **few thousand**
Swiss Francs, I could freely allocate.
> **That doesn't sound like much for a Swiss company with over 20 employees.** \
> _Compared to the licenses we pay for proprietary software it's indeed not
> that much. But then again, it's still a substantial amount and I'm quite
> happy with it. Who knows maybe it will grow in the future._
Last year we had about 40% left which weren't allocated to a specific project.
However, we didn't just want to keep the money and were sure that there were very
important but "hidden" projects we didn't think of. Think OpenSSL for example
which was one of the most prominent examples in recent years. \
We first thought about giving the money to the Free Software Foundation Europe
(FSFE) or a similar foundation. A lot of them do great work, but we felt
that some of them are too political for a company to donate to.
We then found the [Open Source Collective]( which was exactly what we were
looking for. Projects can apply for funding at the Open Source Collective, and
they distribute the donations between the projects. So any leftover budget we
have goes fully to the Open Source Collective now.
## Problems when donating
For most projects it was very easy to donate to. Especially when they are on
[]( Donating through PayPal works as well, but we prefer
Open Collective.
Some projects use regular bank accounts for donations, while this worked well
for most projects, it was more labour intensive on our part as the donations
had to be processed by the financial department. In the case of the Drupal
foundation however, we weren't able to donate at all because something was
wrong with the address of their bank. Luckily they are now on Open Collective.
One project we quite like and use a lot didn't collect its donation, and it
looks like the project might have become unmaintained. I'm not sure yet of we
donate to it again this year. I really appreciate their work but if the money
doesn't get used we rather give it to a project which does use it.
## Final thoughts
I'm very happy with the outcome of our donating project. I feel that the
amount we donate is sustainable, and it shows that we as a company care about
these projects. \
Since it's my employer I'm writing here about I can't make any predictions, but
I will keep advocating for the use and support of Open Source and especially
Free Software inside our company.
For other people who think their employer might be able to contribute to Open
Source projects, I give the following advice: \
The main reason why we didn't do it before, was that we didn't have someone who
carried the idea forward. So go ahead and give it a try :).