
300 lines
11 KiB

(use-package hydra)
(defhydra hydra-buffer (:color red :columns 3)
Buffers :
("n" next-buffer "next")
("b" ivy-switch-buffer "switch")
("B" ibuffer "ibuffer")
("p" previous-buffer "prev")
("C-b" buffer-menu "buffer menu")
("N" evil-buffer-new "new")
("d" kill-this-buffer "delete")
;; don't come back to previous buffer after delete
("D" (progn (kill-this-buffer) (next-buffer)) "Delete")
("s" save-buffer "save"))
(defhydra hydra-window-operations (:color red :columns 3)
Windows :
("h" windmove-left "left")
("l" windmove-right "right")
("j" windmove-down "down")
("k" windmove-up "up")
("w" (lambda () (interactive) (other-window 1)) "Unkown")
("h" split-window-vertically "horizontal split")
("v" split-window-horizontally "vertical split")
("o" delete-other-windows "Delete all other")
("X" delete-window "Delete this")
("x" (lambda ()
(ace-window 16)
(add-hook 'ace-window-end-once-hook
'hydra-window/body)) "Unknown")
("z" (lambda ()
(ace-window 4)
(add-hook 'ace-window-end-once-hook
'hydra-window/body)) "Swap")
("=" balance-windows "Balance")
("K" kill-this-buffer "Kill Buffer")
("D" kill-all-dired-buffers "Kill all dired")
("a" ace-window "Ace")
("S" toggle-window-split "Toggle Split"))
(defhydra hydra-ediff (:color blue :columns 3)
Ediff :
("b" ediff-buffers "buffers")
("B" ediff-buffers3 "buffers 3-way")
("f" ediff-files "files")
("F" ediff-files3 "files 3-way")
("c" ediff-current-file "current file")
("r" ediff-revision "revision")
("l" ediff-regions-linewise "linewise")
("w" ediff-regions-wordwise "wordwise"))
(defhydra hydra-yasnippet (:color blue :columns 3)
("d" yas-load-directory "directory")
("e" yas-activate-extra-mode "extra")
("i" yas-insert-snippet "insert")
("f" yas-visit-snippet-file "file")
("n" yas-new-snippet "new")
("t" yas-tryout-snippet "tryout")
("l" yas-describe-tables "list")
("a" yas-reload-all "reload"))
(defhydra hydra-apropos (:color blue :columns 3)
("a" apropos "apropos")
("c" apropos-command "cmd")
("d" apropos-documentation "doc")
("e" apropos-value "val")
("l" apropos-library "lib")
("o" apropos-user-option "option")
("v" apropos-variable "var")
("i" info-apropos "info")
("t" tags-apropos "tags")
("z" hydra-customize-apropos/body "customize"))
(defhydra hydra-customize-apropos (:color blue :columns 3)
"Apropos (customize)"
("a" customize-apropos "apropos")
("f" customize-apropos-faces "faces")
("g" customize-apropos-groups "groups")
("o" customize-apropos-options "options"))
(define-key Info-mode-map (kbd "?") #'hydra-info/body)
(defhydra hydra-info (:color blue
:hint nil)
^^_]_ forward (next logical node) ^^_l_ast (←) _u_p (↑) _f_ollow reference _T_OC
^^_[_ backward (prev logical node) ^^_r_eturn (→) _m_enu (↓) (C-u for new window) _i_ndex _d_irectory
^^_n_ext (same level only) ^^_H_istory _g_oto (C-u for new window) _,_ next index item _c_opy node name
^^_p_rev (same level only) _<_/_t_op _b_eginning of buffer virtual _I_ndex _C_lone buffer
regex _s_earch (_S_ case sensitive) ^^_>_ final _e_nd of buffer ^^ _a_propos
_1_ .. _9_ Pick first .. ninth item in the node's menu.
("]" Info-forward-node)
("[" Info-backward-node)
("n" Info-next)
("p" Info-prev)
("s" Info-search)
("S" Info-search-case-sensitively)
("l" Info-history-back)
("r" Info-history-forward)
("H" Info-history)
("t" Info-top-node)
("<" Info-top-node)
(">" Info-final-node)
("u" Info-up)
("^" Info-up)
("m" Info-menu)
("g" Info-goto-node)
("b" beginning-of-buffer)
("e" end-of-buffer)
("f" Info-follow-reference)
("i" Info-index)
("," Info-index-next)
("I" Info-virtual-index)
("T" Info-toc)
("d" Info-directory)
("c" Info-copy-current-node-name)
("C" clone-buffer)
("a" info-apropos)
("1" Info-nth-menu-item)
("2" Info-nth-menu-item)
("3" Info-nth-menu-item)
("4" Info-nth-menu-item)
("5" Info-nth-menu-item)
("6" Info-nth-menu-item)
("7" Info-nth-menu-item)
("8" Info-nth-menu-item)
("9" Info-nth-menu-item)
("?" Info-summary "Info summary")
("h" Info-help "Info help"))
(defhydra hydra-spellchecking (:color blue :columns 3)
Spell Checking
("g" langtool-check "Check grammar")
("q" langtool-check-done "Finish grammar check")
("l" langtool-switch-default-language "Switch grammar language")
("m" langtool-show-message-at-point "unkown")
("b" langtool-correct-buffer "Correct grammar in buffer")
("s" ispell "Correct Spelling")
("d" ispell-change-dictionary "Change dictionary"))
;(define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "'") #'hydra-dired/body)
(defhydra hydra-dired (:hint nil :color pink)
_+_ mkdir _v_iew _m_ark _(_ details _i_nsert-subdir wdired
_C_opy _O_ view other _U_nmark all _)_ omit-mode _$_ hide-subdir C-x C-q : edit
_D_elete _o_pen other _u_nmark _l_ redisplay _w_ kill-subdir C-c C-c : commit
_R_ename _M_ chmod _t_oggle _g_ revert buf _e_ ediff C-c ESC : abort
_Y_ rel symlink _G_ chgrp _E_xtension mark _s_ort _=_ pdiff
_S_ymlink ^ ^ _F_ind marked _._ toggle hydra \\ flyspell
_r_sync ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _?_ summary
_z_ compress-file _A_ find regexp
_Z_ compress _Q_ repl regexp
T - tag prefix
("\\" dired-do-ispell)
("(" dired-hide-details-mode)
(")" dired-omit-mode)
("+" dired-create-directory)
("=" diredp-ediff) ;; smart diff
("?" dired-summary)
("$" diredp-hide-subdir-nomove)
("A" dired-do-find-regexp)
("C" dired-do-copy) ;; Copy all marked files
("D" dired-do-delete)
("E" dired-mark-extension)
("e" dired-ediff-files)
("F" dired-do-find-marked-files)
("G" dired-do-chgrp)
("g" revert-buffer) ;; read all directories again (refresh)
("i" dired-maybe-insert-subdir)
("l" dired-do-redisplay) ;; relist the marked or singel directory
("M" dired-do-chmod)
("m" dired-mark)
("O" dired-display-file)
("o" dired-find-file-other-window)
("Q" dired-do-find-regexp-and-replace)
("R" dired-do-rename)
("r" dired-do-rsynch)
("S" dired-do-symlink)
("s" dired-sort-toggle-or-edit)
("t" dired-toggle-marks)
("U" dired-unmark-all-marks)
("u" dired-unmark)
("v" dired-view-file) ;; q to exit, s to search, = gets line #
("w" dired-kill-subdir)
("Y" dired-do-relsymlink)
("z" diredp-compress-this-file)
("Z" dired-do-compress)
("q" nil)
("." nil :color blue))
(defhydra hydra-pdftools (:color blue :hint nil)
Move History Scale/Fit Annotations Search/Link Do │ PDF Tools │
^^_g_^^ _B_ ^↧^ _+_ ^ ^ [_al_] list [_s_] search [_u_] revert buffer
^^^↑^^^ ^↑^ _H_ ^↑^ ↦ _W_ ↤ [_am_] markup [_o_] outline [_i_] info
^^_p_^^ ^ ^ ^↥^ _0_ ^ ^ [_at_] text [_F_] link [_d_] dark mode
^^^↑^^^ ^↓^ ╭─^─^─┐ ^↓^ ╭─^ ^─┐ [_ad_] delete [_f_] search link
_h_ ←pag_e_→ _l_ _N_ │ _P_ │ _-_ _b_ [_aa_] dired
^^^↓^^^ ^ ^ ╰─^─^─╯ ^ ^ ╰─^ ^─╯ [_y_] yank
^^_n_^^ ^ ^ _r_eset slice box
("\\" hydra-master/body "back")
("<ESC>" nil "quit")
("al" pdf-annot-list-annotations)
("ad" pdf-annot-delete)
("aa" pdf-annot-attachment-dired)
("am" pdf-annot-add-markup-annotation)
("at" pdf-annot-add-text-annotation)
("y" pdf-view-kill-ring-save)
("+" pdf-view-enlarge :color red)
("-" pdf-view-shrink :color red)
("0" pdf-view-scale-reset)
("H" pdf-view-fit-height-to-window)
("W" pdf-view-fit-width-to-window)
("P" pdf-view-fit-page-to-window)
("n" pdf-view-next-page-command :color red)
("p" pdf-view-previous-page-command :color red)
("d" pdf-view-dark-minor-mode)
("b" pdf-view-set-slice-from-bounding-box)
("r" pdf-view-reset-slice)
("g" pdf-view-first-page)
("G" pdf-view-last-page)
("e" pdf-view-goto-page)
("o" pdf-outline)
("s" pdf-occur)
("i" pdf-misc-display-metadata)
("u" pdf-view-revert-buffer)
("F" pdf-links-action-perfom)
("f" pdf-links-isearch-link)
("B" pdf-history-backward :color red)
("N" pdf-history-forward :color red)
("l" image-forward-hscroll :color red)
("h" image-backward-hscroll :color red))
(defhydra hydra-elpy (:color red)
Navigate errors
("n" next-error "next error")
("p" previous-error "previous error")
("d" (progn (call-interactively 'elpy-test-django-runner) (elpy-nav-errors/body)) "current test, Django runner" :color blue)
("t" (progn (call-interactively 'elpy-test-pytest-runner) (elpy-nav-errors/body)) "current test, pytest runner" :color blue)
("s" (progn
(switch-to-buffer-other-window "*compilation*")
(goto-char (point-max))) "switch to compilation buffer" :color blue)
("w" (venv-workon) "Workon venv…")
("q" nil "quit")
("Q" (kill-buffer "*compilation*") "quit and kill compilation buffer" :color blue)
(use-package general
:states '(normal visual insert emacs)
:prefix "SPC"
:non-normal-prefix "M-SPC"
"b" '(hydra-buffer/body t :which-key "Buffer")
"w" '(hydra-window-operations/body t :which-key "Windows")
"r" '(hydra-restclient/body t :which-key "Restclient")
"f" '(hydra-flycheck/body t :which-key "Flycheck")
"s" '(hydra-spellchecking/body t :which-key "Spell Checking")
"e" '(hydra-ediff/body t :which-key "Diffing")
"i" '(hydra-yasnippet/body t :which-key "Yasnippets")
"p" '(hydra-pdftools/body t :which-key "PDF Tools")
"y" '(hydra-elpy/body t :which-key "Elpy")
"a" '(hydra-apropos/body t :which-key "Apropos Commands")))