{ config, lib, ... }: let cfg = config.programs.az-git; in { options = { programs.az-git = { enable = lib.mkEnableOption "Enable git."; userEmail = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.str; description = "The hostname of the system."; default = "andreas@zweili.ch"; }; }; }; config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable { programs.git = { enable = true; userName = "Andreas Zweili"; userEmail = cfg.userEmail; delta = { enable = true; options = { navigate = true; line-numbers = true; syntax-theme = "GitHub"; }; }; includes = [ { path = "~/.config/git/workconfig"; condition = "gitdir:~/git_repos/work/"; } ]; extraConfig = { core = { hooksPath = "~/.config/git/hooks/"; }; safe = { directory = "*"; }; pull = { rebase = false; }; push = { autoSetupRemote = true; }; merge.conflictStyle = "diff3"; rerere.enabled = true; }; ignores = [ # ---> VisualStudioCode ".vscode/*" "!.vscode/settings.json" "!.vscode/tasks.json" "!.vscode/launch.json" "!.vscode/extensions.json" "*.code-workspace" # Local History for Visual Studio Code" ".history/" # ---> Emacs" # -*- mode: gitignore; -*-" "*~" "#*#" "/.emacs.desktop" "/.emacs.desktop.lock" "*.elc" "auto-save-list" "tramp" ".#*" # Org-mode" ".org-id-locations" "*_archive" # flymake-mode" "*_flymake.*" # eshell files" "/eshell/history" "/eshell/lastdir" # elpa packages" "/elpa/" # reftex files" "*.rel" # AUCTeX auto folder" "/auto/" # cask packages" ".cask/" "dist/" # Flycheck" "flycheck_*.el" # server auth directory" "/server/" # projectiles files" ".projectile" # directory configuration" ".dir-locals.el" # network security" "/network-security.data" # ---> Vim" # Swap" "[._]*.s[a-v][a-z]" "!*.svg # comment out if you don't need vector files" "[._]*.sw[a-p]" "[._]s[a-rt-v][a-z]" "[._]ss[a-gi-z]" "[._]sw[a-p]" # Session" "Session.vim" "Sessionx.vim" # Temporary" ".netrwhist" "*~" # Auto-generated tag files" "tags" # Persistent undo" "[._]*.un~" # ignore pycache" "__pycache__/" ]; }; # raw files home.file.".config/git/hooks".source = ./hooks; home.file.".config/git/workconfig".source = ./workconfig; home.shellAliases = { git-clean = '' git fetch --all -p; git branch --merged origin/master | grep -v "\*" | xargs git branch -d; git branch -vv | grep -v '\[origin/'| grep -v "\*" | awk '{ print $1; }' | xargs -r git branch -D; ''; }; }; }