{ custom }: { pkgs, ... }: { services.switcherooControl.enable = true; services.udev.packages = with pkgs; [ gnome.gnome-settings-daemon ]; services.xserver.desktopManager.gnome.enable = true; environment = { systemPackages = with pkgs; [ gnome.gnome-tweaks gnomeExtensions.appindicator gnomeExtensions.gtk-title-bar gnomeExtensions.switcheroo ]; gnome.excludePackages = (with pkgs; [ gnome-console gnome-text-editor gnome-tour ]) ++ (with pkgs.gnome; [ atomix # puzzle game cheese # webcam tool epiphany # web browser geary gedit # text editor gnome-characters gnome-clocks gnome-logs gnome-maps gnome-music gnome-weather hitori # sudoku game iagno # go game tali # poker game totem # video player yelp ]); }; services.touchegg.enable = true; home-manager.users.${custom.username} = { home.file.".config/touchegg/touchegg.conf".source = ./touchegg.conf; dconf.settings = { "/org/gnome/desktop" = { input-sources = { xkb-options = [ "compose:ralt" ]; }; "wm/keybindings" = { show-desktop = [ " d" ]; switch-applications = [ "Tab" ]; witch-windows = [ "Tab" ]; }; interface = { color-scheme = "default"; }; privacy = { recent-files-max-age = 30; remember-recent-files = true; remove-old-trash-files = true; remove-old-temp-files = true; old-files-age = "uint32 30"; }; screensaver = { lock-delay = "uint32 0"; lock-enabled = true; }; "session/idle-delay" = "uint32 300"; }; "/org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/media-keys" = { home = [ "e" ]; www = [ "w" ]; volume-mute = [ "F1" ]; volume-down = [ "F2" ]; volume-up = [ "F3" ]; play = [ "F6" ]; previous = [ "F5" ]; next = [ "F7" ]; }; "/org/freedesktop/tracker/miner/files/index-recursive-directories" = [ "&DOCUMENTS" "&MUSIC" "&PICTURES" "&VIDEOS" "/home/andreas/nextcloud/10_documents" "&DOWNLOAD" ]; "/org/gnome/shell/app-switcher/current-workspace-only" = true; }; }