# network_inventory [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/Nebucatnetzer/network_inventory.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/Nebucatnetzer/network_inventory) I started this project in order to have solution for keeping an inventory over my various servers and other network equipment. ## Production Setup 1. Clone the repository 2. Copy the `.env-example` file to `.env` and change the `POSTGRES_PASSWORD` and `DJANGO_SECRET_KEY` variables to something secure. 3. Run `docker-compose up` and connect to http://localhost ### Local Development Setup The local setup is mainly intended to run the tests quickly. I recommend that you use the Docker setup if you want to interact with the website. 1. Run `make local` to create the virtual environment for development. You're now all set to start developing. ### Docker Development Setup This is very similar to the production setup with the difference that the image for the `web` application gets built locally instead of getting pulled from Dockerhub. 1. Run `make` to start the server. You can access it at http://localhost . You're now all set to start working. 2. If you want to have some example data to work with run the command `make init` after you successfully run `make`. #### Environment Variables To customise the application in the Docker container you can use environment variables in the docker-compose.yml file. Currently the following variables are supported. - **DJANGO_SECRET_KEY** the secret key is mandatory, otherwise the application doesn't run. Make sure that it is some long random string. - **DJANGO_DEBUG** settings this variable to any value enables the Django debug mode. Make sure that you don't set it on a production server. - **DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE** the path to the settings file to use in the container. This requires a dotet syntax. The default is `network_inventory.settings.docker`. ## Documentation Currently there isn't a lot of documentation present. I try to document my thoughts and other related information in the [Notes file](./docs/notes.org).