#!/usr/bin/env bash # Helper functions not exposed to the user { # Load example data _init() { python ./src/manage.py loaddata src/network_inventory.yaml } # Setup the database _setup() { sleep 5 if [ -f .direnv/first_run ]; then python ./src/manage.py collectstatic --noinput python ./src/manage.py makemigrations python ./src/manage.py migrate else python ./src/manage.py collectstatic --noinput python ./src/manage.py makemigrations backups python ./src/manage.py makemigrations computers python ./src/manage.py makemigrations core python ./src/manage.py makemigrations customers python ./src/manage.py makemigrations devices python ./src/manage.py makemigrations licenses python ./src/manage.py makemigrations nets python ./src/manage.py makemigrations softwares python ./src/manage.py makemigrations users python ./src/manage.py makemigrations python ./src/manage.py migrate python ./src/manage.py loaddata backups python ./src/manage.py loaddata computers python ./src/manage.py loaddata core python ./src/manage.py loaddata devices python ./src/manage.py loaddata nets python ./src/manage.py loaddata softwares python ./src/manage.py shell -c "from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model; User = get_user_model(); User.objects.create_superuser('admin', 'admin@example.com', 'password')" _init touch .direnv/first_run fi } _open_url() { if [[ ! -z "${DEFAULT_BROWSER}" ]]; then $DEFAULT_BROWSER $url elif type explorer.exe &>/dev/null; then explorer.exe $url fi } _create_url() { if [ -f /etc/wsl.conf ]; then echo "http://localhost:$WEBPORT" else echo "http://$(hostname -f):$WEBPORT" fi } #} # Main tasks start declare -A tasks declare -A descriptions run() { _setup find . -name __pycache__ -o -name "*.pyc" -delete url=$(_create_url) printf "\n---\n webserver: $url\n---\n" _open_url $url } descriptions["run"]="Start the webserver." tasks["run"]=run descriptions["start"]="Alias for run." tasks["start"]=run stop() { process-compose down } descriptions["stop"]="Stop the webserver and DB." tasks["stop"]=stop venv() { nix build .#venv -o .venv } descriptions["venv"]="Build a pseudo venv that editors like VS Code can use." tasks["venv"]=venv build-container() { nix build && docker load \n\n" for task in "${!tasks[@]}"; do echo "$task - ${descriptions[$task]}" done else # Check if task is available if [[ -v "tasks[$1]" ]]; then ${tasks["$1"]} else echo "Task not found." fi fi