* moviespy Movie Spy Is a program to quickly collect all personal information from a computer. Ideally run from a live USB stick. The name comes from the fact that in movies spies can just quickly insert a USB key and get all the important data. As of now it doesn't start automatically when you plug in an USB stick. In fact this program was mostly developed as a fun project for myself and is not really intended to be used seriously. Usage: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE moviespy moviespy (-h | --help) moviespy --version #+END_EXAMPLE Options: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE -h --help Show this screen. --version Show version. #+END_EXAMPLE ** Planned features - As of now the program just overwrites files with the same name. I would like to insert a check if the files are the same and when they aren't the same append a an increasing number. This way less files should get lost. ** Credits The following libraries have been used to develop this software: - https://github.com/ianare/exif-py - https://github.com/tfrdidi/sort-PhotorecRecoveredFiles - http://docopt.org/