import os import sys import configparser import subprocess import interface_variables import curses int_vars = interface_variables screen = curses.initscr() def get_param(prompt_string): screen.clear() screen.border(0) screen.addstr(2, 2, prompt_string) screen.refresh() input = screen.getstr(3, 2, 60) return input def draw_screen(): screen.clear() screen.border(0) screen.addstr(2, 2, "Please enter a number...") screen.addstr(4, 4, "1 - List archives in repository") screen.addstr(5, 4, "2 - Show archive details") screen.addstr(6, 4, "3 - Mount archive") screen.addstr(7, 4, "4 - Restore an archive to specific location") screen.addstr(8, 4, "0 - Exit") screen.refresh() def list_archives(): curses.endwin() borg_list = subprocess.Popen(['borg', 'list'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) less_output = subprocess.Popen(['less'], stdin=borg_list.stdout) borg_list.wait() less_output.wait() def show_info(): archive_name = get_param("Please enter the archive name: ") curses.endwin() os.system('clear') p = subprocess.Popen(['borg', 'info', '::' + archive_name]) p.wait() print() pause() def mount_archive(): archive_name = get_param("Please enter the archive name: ") curses.endwin() int_vars.mount_point = os.path.join('/tmp', archive_name) if not os.path.exists(int_vars.mount_point): os.makedirs(int_vars.mount_point) p = subprocess.Popen(['borg', 'mount', '::' + archive_name, int_vars.mount_point]) p.wait() print() print("Archive mounted at " + int_vars.mount_point + "/.") print("The archive will remain mounted as long this programm is running.") print() pause() def restore_archive(): curses.endwin() prompt_archive_name() restore_path = input("Please enter the path where you want to " "restore to: ") if not os.path.exists(restore_path): os.makedirs(restore_path) p = subprocess.Popen(['borg', 'extract', '::' + int_vars.archive_name] ,cwd=restore_path) p.wait() print() print("Archive extracted to " + restore_path) print() pause() def configuration(): # setup the config parser config = configparser.ConfigParser() # check whether the config file exists either in the home folder or next to # the binary home = os.getenv('HOME') config_file = "borg_interface.cfg" config_folder = ".config/borg_interface/" config_path = os.path.join(home, config_folder, config_file) if os.path.isfile(config_path): elif os.path.isfile(config_file): else: print("Configuration file not found.") sys.exit(1) # assign the repository variable depending wheter it's a remote or a local # repository if 'server' in config['DEFAULT']: repository = (config['DEFAULT']['user'] + "@" + config['DEFAULT']['server'] + ":" + config['DEFAULT']['repository_path']) else: repository = config['DEFAULT']['repository_path'] # assign the password variable password = config['DEFAULT']['password'] # set the environment variables os.environ['BORG_REPO'] = repository os.environ['BORG_PASSPHRASE'] = password def exit(): curses.endwin() if (not int_vars.mount_point): print() os.system('clear') sys.exit(0) else: print() print("Unmount Archive and remove folder.") print() os.system('fusermount -u' + " " + int_vars.mount_point) os.rmdir(int_vars.mount_point) os.system('clear') sys.exit(0) def pause(): input("Press Enter to continue.")