# borg_interface This application provides an interface to borg backup. At a later point it might as well work with restic. ### Installation To install the application either "git clone" it in the folder you want with: ``` git clone https://git.2li.ch/Nebucatnetzer/borg_interface.git ``` or simply download it and extract the zip to your prefered location.: * https://git.2li.ch/Nebucatnetzer/borg_interface/archive/master.zip ### Starting Before starting the application make sure that you have configured it properly. See the section [Configuration](https://git.2li.ch/Nebucatnetzer/borg_interface#configuration) for more details. To start the application simply execute the borg_interface.sh file. You will then see a list of options which are fairly self explanatory. ### Configuration To configure borg_interface please edit the borg_interface.cfg file. All the options have to be placed under the [DEFAULT] section. The proper syntax is: ``` option: value ``` or ``` option=value ``` Possible values as of now are: ##### server define a server on which the archive reside. ##### user defines the user which has permission to connect to the server. ##### repository_path defines the path where the repository is set up. This is needed for both a remote and a local repository. ##### password defines the repository password ### Example Config ``` [DEFAULT] server: testserver.local user: borg repository_path: /home/borg/backup/repository password: foo ```