Dialog 0 0 1088 809 Dialog 350 770 341 32 Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Ok true 20 770 231 21 Don't show this window again. 273 10 802 738 main_window.png 10 10 251 741 QLayout::SetMaximumSize 230 20 75 true 1. Filetree 230 650 false The file tree displays your current files on your computer. It doesn't show the content of the selected archive. true 230 20 75 true 2. Backup Button 230 650 After you selected a file or folder in the file tree you can create a backup from it by clicking on the "Backup" button. true 230 20 75 true 3. Archive List 230 65 Once an action like "Backup" or "Delete" completes the archive list gets updated. true 230 20 75 true 4. Repository Details 230 65 In addition the repository details will update and display the current statistic about the repository's size. true 230 20 75 true 5. Restore/Delete Button 230 65 Select an archive from the list (3) and click on "Restore" to restore it to a location of your choice or click on "Delete" to remove it. true 230 20 75 true 6. Mount Button 230 65 The "Mount" button let's you mount the selected archive as read only directory. This is a great way to restore a few files by hand. true 230 20 75 true 7. Settings Button 230 65 Let's you customise the settings of Borg-Qt like which files to backup or exclude or a schedule for automatic backups. true 230 20 75 true 8. Help Button 230 65 Diplays this window again. true 5 10 260 738 260 738 QFrame::StyledPanel QFrame::Raised 273 10 802 738 802 738 802 738 QFrame::StyledPanel QFrame::Raised frame_text button_box check_hide_enabled label_image verticalLayoutWidget frame_image button_box accepted() Dialog accept() 248 254 157 274 button_box rejected() Dialog reject() 316 260 286 274