import os import shutil import subprocess import json from PyQt5.QtCore import QThread from helper import BorgException, show_error class BorgQtThread(QThread): """Provides the base for interfacing with borg. The method self.create_command needs to be implemented on each child class in order to make it work.""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.create_process() def stop(self): """Kill the process when the thread stops.""" self.p.kill() self.json_err = None def create_process(self): """Creates the process which executes borg.""" # self.create_command() needs to be implemented on each subclass. self.create_command() self.p = subprocess.Popen(self.command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, encoding='utf8') def run(self): self.json_output, self.json_err = self.p.communicate() self.p.wait() self.process_json_error(self.json_err) def process_json_error(self, json_err): """Looks in the returned json error string for errors and provides them as BorgException in case there are any. Ignores errors about stale locks of borg.""" if json_err: error = json_err.splitlines()[0] if 'stale' in error: return else: err = json.loads(error) raise BorgException(err['message']) class ListThread(BorgQtThread): """Returns a list of all archives in the repository.""" def create_command(self): self.command = ['borg', 'list', '--log-json', '--json'] def run(self): super().run() self._process_json_archives() return self.archives def _process_json_archives(self): self.archives = [] if self.json_output: output = json.loads(self.json_output) for i in output['archives']: self.archives.append(i) class InfoThread(BorgQtThread): """Return the statistics about the current repository.""" def create_command(self): self.command = ['borg', 'info', '--log-json', '--json'] def run(self): super().run() self._process_json_repo_stats() return self.stats def _process_json_repo_stats(self): if self.json_output: output = json.loads(self.json_output) self.stats = output['cache']['stats'] class BackupThread(BorgQtThread): """Creates a backup with borg. Args: prefix (str) the prefix for the archive name. includes (list) a list of all the paths to backup. excludes (list) a list of all the paths to exclude from the backup. """ def __init__(self, includes, excludes=None, prefix=None): self.includes = includes self._process_excludes(excludes) self._process_prefix(prefix) super().__init__() def create_command(self): self.command = ['borg', 'create', '--log-json', '--json', ('::' + self.prefix + '{now:%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S}')] self.command.extend(self.includes) if self.excludes: self.command.extend(self.excludes) def run(self): self.json_output, self.json_err = self.p.communicate() self.p.wait() try: self.process_json_error(self.json_err) except BorgException as e: show_error(e) self.stop() def _process_prefix(self, prefix): """Prepares the prefix for the final command.""" if prefix: self.prefix = prefix + "_" else: self.prefix = "" def _process_excludes(self, excludes): """Pairs every exclude with the required option for borg.""" processed_items = [] if excludes: for item in excludes: processed_items.extend(['-e', item]) self.excludes = processed_items else: self.excludes = processed_items class RestoreThread(BorgQtThread): """Restores a backup with borg. Args: archive_name (str) the name of the archive to restore. restore_path (str) the path where to restore should get stored at. """ def __init__(self, archive_name, restore_path): self.archive_name = archive_name self.restore_path = restore_path super().__init__() def create_command(self): self.command = ['borg', 'extract', '--log-json', ('::' + self.archive_name)] def create_process(self): """The create_process needs to get overwritten because borg restores the archive into the current folder. Therefore the process needs to cd into the target path.""" self.create_command() self.p = subprocess.Popen(self.command, cwd=self.restore_path, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, encoding='utf8') class DeleteThread(BorgQtThread): """Deletes an archive from the repository. Args: archive_name (str) the name of the archive to delete. """ def __init__(self, archive_name): self.archive_name = archive_name super().__init__() def create_command(self): self.command = ['borg', 'delete', '--log-json', ('::' + self.archive_name)] class MountThread(BorgQtThread): """Mounts an archive at the given path. Args: archive_name (str) the name of the archive to restore. mount_path (str) the target path to mount the archive at. """ def __init__(self, archive_name, mount_path): self.archive_name = archive_name self.mount_path = mount_path super().__init__() def create_command(self): self.command = ['borg', 'mount', '--log-json', ('::' + self.archive_name), self.mount_path]