import os from borg_qt.systemd import SystemdFile def test_write_unit(mock_home, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr(os, 'environ', mock_home) systemd_unit = SystemdFile('borg_qt.service') systemd_unit.write() assert os.path.exists(systemd_unit.path) def test_write_timer(mock_home, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr(os, 'environ', mock_home) systemd_timer = SystemdFile('borg_qt.timer') systemd_timer.write() assert os.path.exists(systemd_timer.path) # This test currently runs against the real home directory of the current user. # Since this can cause problems with a productive Borg-Qt setup I'm commenting # out this test for the moment. The long time target is to replace it with a # test which mocks the call to systemd. # # class TestSystemdEnabledTimer(): # def setup_method(self): # self.unit_path = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], # '.config/systemd/user/borg_qt.service') # self.timer_path = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], # '.config/systemd/user/borg_qt.timer') # self.symlink_path = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], # '.config/systemd/user/') # def teardown_method(self): # if os.path.exists(self.unit_path): # os.remove(self.unit_path) # if os.path.exists(self.symlink_path): # os.remove(self.symlink_path) # if os.path.exists(self.timer_path): # os.remove(self.timer_path) # def test_enable_timer(self): # systemd_unit = SystemdFile('borg_qt.service') # systemd_unit.path = self.unit_path # systemd_timer = SystemdFile('borg_qt.timer') # systemd_timer.path = self.timer_path # systemd_unit.content['Unit'] = {} # systemd_unit.content['Unit']['After'] = '' # systemd_unit.content['Install'] = {} # systemd_unit.content['Install']['Wanted'] = '' # systemd_unit.content['Service'] = {} # systemd_unit.content['Service']['Type'] = 'forking' # systemd_unit.content['Service']['ExecStart'] = '/bin/echo "test"' # systemd_unit.write() # systemd_timer.content['Unit'] = {} # systemd_timer.content['Unit']['Description'] = 'Test Timer' # systemd_timer.content['Timer'] = {} # systemd_timer.content['Timer']['OnCalendar'] = 'daily' # systemd_timer.content['Timer']['Persistent'] = 'true' # systemd_timer.content['Install'] = {} # systemd_timer.content['Install']['WantedBy'] = '' # systemd_timer.write() # systemd_timer.enable() # assert os.path.exists(self.symlink_path)