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2019-02-18 13:00:11 +01:00
import os
from borg_qt.systemd import SystemdFile
2019-02-18 13:00:11 +01:00
2019-04-21 22:27:25 +02:00
def test_write_unit(mock_home, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(os, 'environ', mock_home)
systemd_unit = SystemdFile('borg_qt.service')
assert os.path.exists(systemd_unit.path)
def test_write_timer(mock_home, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(os, 'environ', mock_home)
systemd_timer = SystemdFile('borg_qt.timer')
assert os.path.exists(systemd_timer.path)
# This test currently runs against the real home directory of the current user.
# Since this can cause problems with a productive Borg-Qt setup I'm commenting
# out this test for the moment. The long time target is to replace it with a
# test which mocks the call to systemd.
# class TestSystemdEnabledTimer():
# def setup_method(self):
# self.unit_path = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'],
# '.config/systemd/user/borg_qt.service')
# self.timer_path = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'],
# '.config/systemd/user/borg_qt.timer')
# self.symlink_path = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'],
# '.config/systemd/user/timers.target.wants/borg_qt.timer')
# def teardown_method(self):
# if os.path.exists(self.unit_path):
# os.remove(self.unit_path)
# if os.path.exists(self.symlink_path):
# os.remove(self.symlink_path)
# if os.path.exists(self.timer_path):
# os.remove(self.timer_path)
# def test_enable_timer(self):
# systemd_unit = SystemdFile('borg_qt.service')
# systemd_unit.path = self.unit_path
# systemd_timer = SystemdFile('borg_qt.timer')
# systemd_timer.path = self.timer_path
# systemd_unit.content['Unit'] = {}
# systemd_unit.content['Unit']['After'] = 'default.target'
# systemd_unit.content['Install'] = {}
# systemd_unit.content['Install']['Wanted'] = 'default.target'
# systemd_unit.content['Service'] = {}
# systemd_unit.content['Service']['Type'] = 'forking'
# systemd_unit.content['Service']['ExecStart'] = '/bin/echo "test"'
# systemd_unit.write()
# systemd_timer.content['Unit'] = {}
# systemd_timer.content['Unit']['Description'] = 'Test Timer'
# systemd_timer.content['Timer'] = {}
# systemd_timer.content['Timer']['OnCalendar'] = 'daily'
# systemd_timer.content['Timer']['Persistent'] = 'true'
# systemd_timer.content['Install'] = {}
# systemd_timer.content['Install']['WantedBy'] = 'timers.target'
# systemd_timer.write()
# systemd_timer.enable()
# assert os.path.exists(self.symlink_path)