pdflatex.sh =========== NAME ---- `pdflatex.sh` -- compile (La)TeX files and more. SYNOPSIS -------- pdflatex.sh -h | -V pdflatex.sh [ +3 +b +h +i +o +p +sync ] FILE(.tex) pdflatex.sh -2x1 | -2x2 FILE(.pdf) pdflatex.sh -gs | -rs | -gd | -rd DIR pdflatex.sh -b | -c | -i | -k | -kk | -l [WIDTH] | -n | -s | -ss | -sc [LANG] FILE(.tex) DESCRIPTION ----------- Bash script to compile (La)TeX files (with BibTeX, indices and PSTricks if necessary), convert images to include them in (La)TeX files and to manipulate output PDF documents. The script also lets you check syntactic and semantic correctness of (La)TeX source files, e.g. with the use of *ChkTeX*. It is possible to customize programs (like PDF viewer) and its settings that are used by the script in **Programs** and **Options** sections in the source code. NOTE: If the script is run as `pdflatex.sh` then `pdflatex` command is used (producing PDF output file), otherwise `latex` command is used (producing DVI output file). Thus if necessary, the `latex.sh` symbolic link can be created to use the script easily. OPTIONS ------- -2x1 FILE put two pages of the PDF FILE on a single A4 sheet (the output will be in FILE-nup.pdf file) -2x2 FILE put four pages of the PDF FILE on a single A4 sheet (the output will be in FILE-nup.pdf file) +3 run latex/pdflatex thrice (default is twice) +b make also bibtex -b FILE make ONLY bibtex -c FILE cleanup (remove auxiliary files) -gs DIR convert SVG images in directory DIR -rs DIR convert SVG images in directory DIR recursively -gd DIR convert DIA images in directory DIR -rd DIR convert DIA images in directory DIR recursively -h print (this) help message and exit +h make handout from beamer presentation, i.e. without overlays, pauses, and other beamer effects (the output will be in FILE-handout.pdf file) +i make also index -i FILE make ONLY index -k FILE run 'chktex' command (if available) -kk FILE the same as '-k' but only errors are shown -l [WIDTH] FILE check maximum line width (by default WIDTH=80) -n FILE check non-breaking spaces -s FILE check sentence separators -ss FILE STRICTLY check sentence separators -sc [LANG] FILE run interactive spell checker (by default LANG="en_GB" and UTF-8 encoding is used) +sync enable synchronization between source file and the resulting DVI or PDF file (see also: [1]) +o open PDF (or DVI) file after compilation +p use 'ps4pdf' instead of 'pdflatex'/'latex' (PSTricks) -V print script version EXAMPLES -------- pdflatex.sh file.tex > Compile `file.tex` source file. pdflatex.sh +b +i +o file.tex > Compile `file.tex` with BibTeX and MakeIndex, and open PDF browser with the > output file after compilation. pdflatex.sh +p file.tex > Compile `file.tex` with the use of PSTricks. pdflatex.sh +h beamer-presentation.tex > Compile and make handout from beamer presentation file (the output should be > in `beamer-presentation-handout.pdf` file). pdflatex.sh -kk file.tex > Run `chktex` command but show only errors. pdflatex.sh -gs img/ > Convert all SVG images in the directory `img/` (PDF and PS version will be > produced). pdflatex.sh -2x1 file.pdf > Put two pages of the `file.pdf` on a single A4 sheet (the output should be in > `FILE-nup.pdf` file). AUTHOR ------ Written by Michal Kalewski. REPORTING BUGS -------------- Bug reports: [https://github.com/mkalewski/pdflatex.sh/issues](https://github.com/mkalewski/pdflatex.sh/issues) The official code repository: [https://github.com/mkalewski/pdflatex.sh](https://github.com/mkalewski/pdflatex.sh) COPYRIGHT --------- (c) 2007-2011 Michal Kalewski This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. THIS IS FREE SOFTWARE, AND YOU ARE WELCOME TO REDISTRIBUTE IT UNDER THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE MIT LICENSE. YOU SHOULD HAVE RECEIVED A COPY OF THE LICENSE ALONG WITH THIS SOFTWARE; IF NOT, YOU CAN DOWNLOAD A COPY FROM HTTP://WWW.OPENSOURCE.ORG. [1]: [http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/tb29-3/tb93laurens.pdf](http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/tb29-3/tb93laurens.pdf) "Direct and reverse synchronization with SyncTEX"