#!/bin/bash # UTF-8 # (c) 2007-2011 Michal Kalewski # # This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. # THIS IS FREE SOFTWARE, AND YOU ARE WELCOME TO REDISTRIBUTE IT UNDER THE # TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE MIT LICENSE. YOU SHOULD HAVE RECEIVED A COPY OF # THE LICENSE ALONG WITH THIS SOFTWARE; IF NOT, YOU CAN DOWNLOAD A COPY FROM # HTTP://WWW.OPENSOURCE.ORG. # # NAME # pdflatex.sh # # SYNOPSIS # pdflatex.sh -h | -V # pdflatex.sh [ +3 +b +i +o +p ] FILE(.tex) # pdflatex.sh -2x1 | -2x2 FILE(.pdf) # pdflatex.sh -gs | -rs | -gd | -rd DIR # pdflatex.sh -b | -c | -i | -k | -kk | -l [WIDTH] | -n | -s | -ss # | -sc [LANG] FILE(.tex) # # DESCRIPTION # Bash script to compile TeX/LaTeX files and more. Just run the script to # get help: './pdflatex.sh' (or './pdflatex.sh -h'). # # REPORTING BUGS # # # THE OFFICIAL CODE REPOSITORY # # # (Below, you can customize your settings.) # VERSION # ======= VERSION=3.0.0 # PROGRAMS # ======== ASPELL_PROGRAM="aspell" BIBTEX_PROGRAM="bibtex" CHKTEX_PROGRAM="chktex" DETEX_PROGRAM="detex" DIA_PROGRAM="dia" #EPSTOPDF_PROGRAM="epstopdf" # obsolete INKSCAPE_PROGRAM="inkscape" LATEX_PROGRAM="latex" MAKEINDEX_PROGRAM="makeindex" PDF_VIEWER_PROGRAM="evince" PDFLATEX_PROGRAM="pdflatex" PDFNUP_PROGRAM="pdfnup" PS4PDF_PROGRAM="ps4pdf" # OPTIONS # ======= ASPELL_ENC_OPT="--encoding=utf-8" ASPELL_LANG_OPT="-l en_GB" CHKTEX_OPT="-q -v1" LATEX_BATCHMODE_OPT="-interaction batchmode" #LATEX_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_OPT="-output-directory" PDFNUP_OPT="--paper a4paper --frame true --scale 0.96 --delta \"2mm 2mm\"" PS4PDF_LATEX_OPT="\AtBeginDocument{\RequirePackage{pst-pdf}}" # FILE TO BUILD # ============= FILENAME= OUTPUT_DIRECTORY= # SETUP # ===== # Extensions of auxiliary files: AUXILIARYEXTS=\ "aux idx ilg ind out toc lot lof loa nav snm vrb bbl blg svn" # " log dvi" AUXILIARYEXTS_BIBTEX=\ "aux idx ilg ind out toc lot lof loa nav snm vrb blg svn dvi pdf" # " log bbl" AUXILIARYEXTS_INDEX=\ "aux ilg ind out toc lot lof loa nav snm vrb bbl blg svn dvi log pdf" # " idx" # Base name of the script: THENAME="$(basename $0)" THEREALNAME="$(basename "$(test -L "$0" && readlink "$0" || echo "$0")")" # Text color variables: txtund=$(tput sgr 0 1) # underline txtbld=$(tput bold) # bold txtred=$(tput setaf 1) # red txtgrn=$(tput setaf 2) # green txtylw=$(tput setaf 3) # yellow txtblu=$(tput setaf 4) # blue txtpur=$(tput setaf 5) # purple txtcyn=$(tput setaf 6) # cyan txtwht=$(tput setaf 7) # white txtrst=$(tput sgr0) # text reset # FUNCTIONS # ========= # Prints help and additional information function print_help() { cat < ${txtund}BASH SCRIPT TO COMPILE TeX/LaTeX FILES AND\ MORE${txtrst} NOTE: If the script is run as 'pdflatex.sh' then 'pdflatex' command is used (producing PDF output file), otherwise 'latex' command is used (producing DVI output file). Thus if necessary, the 'latex.sh' symbolic link can be created to use the script easily. ${txtbld}Usage${txtrst}: pdflatex.sh -h | -V Print help or version. pdflatex.sh [ +3 +b +i +o +p ] FILE(.tex) Compile TeX/LaTeX files. pdflatex.sh -2x1 | -2x2 FILE(.pdf) PDF documents manipulation. pdflatex.sh -gs | -rs | -gd | -rd DIR Convert images. pdflatex.sh -b | -c | -i | -k | -kk | -l [WIDTH] | -n | -s | -ss | -sc [LANG] FILE(.tex) Miscellaneous operations. ${txtbld}Options${txtrst}: -2x1 FILE put two pages of the PDF FILE on a single A4 sheet (the output will be in FILE-nup.pdf file) -2x2 FILE put four pages of the PDF FILE on a single A4 sheet (the output will be in FILE-nup.pdf file) +3 run latex/pdflatex thrice (default is twice) +b make also bibtex -b FILE make ONLY bibtex -c FILE cleanup (remove auxiliary files) -gs DIR convert SVG images in directory DIR -rs DIR convert SVG images in directory DIR recursively -gd DIR convert DIA images in directory DIR -rd DIR convert DIA images in directory DIR recursively -h print (this) help message and exit +i make also index -i FILE make ONLY index -k FILE run 'chktex' command (if available) -kk FILE the same as '-k' but only errors are shown -l [WIDTH] FILE check maximum line width (by default WIDTH=80) -n FILE check non-breaking spaces -s FILE check sentence separators -ss FILE STRICTLY check sentence separators -sc [LANG] FILE run interactive spell checker (by default LANG="en_GB" and UTF-8 encoding is used) +o open PDF (or DVI) file after compilation +p use 'ps4pdf' instead of 'pdflatex'/'latex' (PSTricks) -V print script version ${txtbld}Examples${txtrst}: pdflatex.sh file.tex pdflatex.sh +b +i +o file.tex pdflatex.sh +p file.tex pdflatex.sh -kk file.tex pdflatex.sh -gs img/ pdflatex.sh -2x1 file.pdf Bug reports: The official code repository: EOF } if [[ $# -lt 1 ]] ; then print_help ; exit 0 ; fi # Quits the script function mquit() { [[ -z $1 ]] && EXIT_STATUS_CODE=0 || EXIT_STATUS_CODE=$1 # consider the 'source' command: if [[ -n $OLDPWD ]] ; then cd - >&- 2>&- ; fi ; echo ; exit $EXIT_STATUS_CODE } # Exits the script with status code 1 function die() { if [[ -n $1 ]] ; then echo "$1 Exiting..." else echo "${txtred}Unknown error${txtrst}. Exiting..." fi mquit 1 } # Checks programs in the system function check_programs() { for PROGRAMNAME in $1 ; do local FILEPATH=`eval which $PROGRAMNAME 2>&-` if [[ ! -x $FILEPATH ]] ; then die "Program \"${txtylw}$PROGRAMNAME${txtrst}\" missing." fi done } # Removes auxiliary files function cleanup() { if [[ -z $1 ]] ; then die "${txtylw}Too few arguments.${txtrst}" fi echo -ne "CLEANUP..." for EXTENSION in $AUXILIARYEXTS ; do rm -f "${1%.tex}.$EXTENSION" >&- 2>&- echo -ne "." done if [[ -n $USEPS4PDFARG ]] ; then rm -f *-pics.* >&- 2>&- echo -ne "." fi echo -e "\t\t${txtgrn}[done]${txtrst}" } # Converts SVG & DIA images function convert_images() { if [[ -z $1 ]] ; then die "${txtylw}Too few arguments.${txtrst}" fi if [[ ! -d $1 ]] ; then die "Wrong directory \"${txtylw}$1${txtrst}\" given." fi if [[ -n $CONVERTIMGARG ]] ; then local IMGFILES=`ls $1/*.$CONVERTIMGARG 2>&-` elif [[ -n $CONVERTIMGRARG ]] ; then local IMGFILES=`find $1 -type f -iname "*.$CONVERTIMGRARG" 2>&-` fi if [[ $CONVERTIMGARG == "svg" || $CONVERTIMGRARG == "svg" ]] ; then check_programs "$INKSCAPE_PROGRAM" #EPSTOPDF_PROGRAM echo -ne "CONVERT IMG..." for IMG in $IMGFILES ; do $INKSCAPE_PROGRAM -T -A "${IMG%.svg}.pdf" "$IMG" || die $INKSCAPE_PROGRAM -T -P "${IMG%.svg}.ps" "$IMG" || die #$EPSTOPDF_PROGRAM "${IMG%.svg}.eps" echo -ne "." done elif [[ $CONVERTIMGARG == "dia" || $CONVERTIMGRARG == "dia" ]] ; then check_programs "$DIA_PROGRAM" echo -ne "CONVERT IMG..." for IMG in $IMGFILES ; do $DIA_PROGRAM -t pdf "${IMG}" >&- 2>&- || die $DIA_PROGRAM -t eps "${IMG}" >&- 2>&- || die echo -ne "." done fi echo -e "\t\t\t\t${txtgrn}[done]${txtrst}" ; exit 0 } # Puts multiple pages of a PDF document on a single A4 sheet function pdf_manipulation() { if [[ -z $1 || -z $2 ]] ; then die "${txtylw}Too few arguments.${txtrst}" fi check_programs "$PDFNUP_PROGRAM" echo -ne "PDFJAM..." local ERR=`eval $PDFNUP_PROGRAM --nup $1 $PDFNUP_OPT $2 2>&1` local ERR=`echo $ERR | grep -i error` if [[ -n $ERR ]] ; then echo -e\ "\t\t\t\t${txtred}[done] ${txtbld}(With errors! No output?)${txtrst}" else echo -e "\t\t\t\t${txtgrn}[done]${txtrst}" fi } # Checks line widths function line_width() { local WIDTH=80 local LINE_NUMBER=0 if [[ -z $1 ]] ; then die "${txtylw}Too few arguments.${txtrst}" fi if [[ -n $2 ]] ; then WIDTH="$1" ; shift if [[ ! ($WIDTH =~ ^[0-9]+$) ]] ; then die "Numeric argument required, \"${txtylw}$WIDTH${txtrst}\" provided." fi fi if [[ -z $FILENAME ]] ; then FILENAME=$1 ; fi if [[ ! -e $FILENAME ]] ; then die "Source file ${txtylw}$FILENAME${txtrst} missing." fi while read LINE ; do LINE_NUMBER=$(($LINE_NUMBER+1)) CHARS=`echo $LINE | wc -m` if [[ $CHARS -gt $WIDTH ]] ; then echo -e "${txtbld}$LINE_NUMBER${txtrst}:\t$CHARS" fi done < "$1" exit 0 } # Checks hard-spaces function hardspaces() { if [[ -z $1 ]] ; then die "${txtylw}Too few arguments.${txtrst}" fi local FILE=${1%.tex} if [[ ! -e $FILE.tex ]] ; then die "Source file ${txtylw}$FILE.tex${txtrst} missing." fi grep -n\ "\( [^ ] \)\|\( [^ ]$\)\|\(^[^ ] \)\|\( \$.\$ \)\|\( \$.\$$\)\|\(^\$.\$ \)"\ "$FILE.tex"\ | sort | uniq | sort -n | sed "s/:/\t/" | grep -P -v "^[0-9]+\t%" } # Checks sentences and periods function sentences() { if [[ -z $2 ]] ; then die "${txtylw}Too few arguments.${txtrst}" fi local FILE=${2%.tex} if [[ ! -e $FILE.tex ]] ; then die "Source file ${txtylw}$FILE.tex${txtrst} missing." fi local EXP="\(^\.\)\|\([ ]\.[ ]\)\|\([ ]\.\)\|\(\.[ ][^ ]\)" if [[ $1 == "strict" ]] ; then local EXP=$EXP"\|\([^\.][ ]+[[:upper:]]\)\|\(\.[^ \\;:]\)" fi grep -n "$EXP"\ "$FILE.tex"\ | sort | uniq | sort -n | sed "s/:/\t/" | grep -P -v "^[0-9]+\t%"\ | grep "\." --color=auto } # Runs spell checker (aspell) function spell_checker() { check_programs "$DETEX_PROGRAM $ASPELL_PROGRAM" if [[ -n $2 ]] ; then ASPELL_LANG_OPT="-l $1" ; shift ; fi ASPELLOPT="$ASPELL_ENC_OPT $ASPELL_LANG_OPT" if [[ -z $FILENAME ]] ; then FILENAME=${1%.tex} ; fi if [[ ! -e $FILENAME.tex ]] ; then die "Source file ${txtylw}$FILENAME.tex${txtrst} missing." fi $DETEX_PROGRAM "$FILENAME.tex" > "$FILENAME-tmp.txt" || die $ASPELL_PROGRAM $ASPELLOPT -c "$FILENAME-tmp.txt" 2>&- || die rm "$FILENAME-tmp.txt" || die if [[ -e $FILENAME-tmp.txt.new ]] ; then rm "$FILENAME-tmp.txt.new" || die else echo -ne "${txtbld}SPELL CHECKER${txtrst}..." echo -e "\t\t\t\t${txtgrn}[done]${txtrst}" exit 0 fi exit $? } # Runs (pdf)latex function run_pdflatex() { echo -ne "$TEXT..." $LATEX_PROGRAM $LATEX_BATCHMODE_OPT "$FILENAME" >&- 2>&- local ERR=`grep -i error "$FILENAME".log` if [[ -n $ERR ]] ; then echo -ne "\t\t\t\t${txtred}[done]" echo " ${txtbld}(With errors! See LOG file.)${txtrst}" else AUXILIARYEXTS="$AUXILIARYEXTS log" echo -e "\t\t\t\t${txtgrn}[done]${txtrst}" fi } # THE SCRIPT # ========== # Ctrl+C interrupt trap "echo ; die \"${txtred}Interrupt from keyboard.${txtrst}\"" INT THRICE="" while [[ -n $1 ]] ; do case "$1" in -2x1) pdf_manipulation "2x1" "$2" ; exit 0 ;; -2x2) pdf_manipulation "2x2" "$2" ; exit 0 ;; +3) THRICE="2" ; shift ;; +b) MAKEBIBTEXARG="yes" ; shift ;; -b) MAKEONLYBIBTEXARG="yes" ; shift ; break ;; -c) AUXILIARYEXTS="$AUXILIARYEXTS log dvi" ; cleanup "$2"; exit 0 ;; -gs) CONVERTIMGARG="svg" ; shift ; convert_images "$@" ; break ;; -rs) CONVERTIMGRARG="svg" ; shift ; convert_images "$@" ; break ;; -gd) CONVERTIMGARG="dia" ; shift ; convert_images "$@" ; break ;; -rd) CONVERTIMGRARG="dia" ; shift ; convert_images "$@" ; break ;; -h) print_help ; exit 0 ;; +i) MAKEINDEXARG="yes" ; shift ;; -i) MAKEONLYINDEXARG="yes" ; shift ; break ;; -k) CHKTEX="yes" ; shift ; break ;; -kk) CHKTEX_OPT="$CHKTEX_OPT -n all" ;\ CHKTEX="yes" ; shift ; break ;; -l) shift ; line_width "$@" ; break ;; -n) hardspaces "$2"; exit 0 ;; -s) sentences "basic" "$2" ; exit 0 ;; -ss) sentences "strict" "$2" ; exit 0 ;; -sc) shift ; spell_checker "$@" ; break ;; +o) OPENPDFARG="yes" ; shift ;; +p) USEPS4PDFARG="yes" ; shift ;; -[vV]) echo "$THEREALNAME $VERSION" ; echo ; exit 0 ;; -*) echo -ne "Unknown switch: ${txtylw}$1${txtrst}." ; echo " Type: \"${txtbld}$THEREALNAME -h${txtrst}\" for help." ; echo ; exit 1 ;; +*) echo -ne "Unknown switch: ${txtylw}$1${txtrst}." ; echo " Type: \"${txtbld}$THEREALNAME -h${txtrst}\" for help." ; echo ; exit 1 ;; *) break ;; esac done # Filename and working directory: if [[ -z $FILENAME && -n $1 ]] ; then FILENAME=$(basename ${1%.tex}) ; fi if [[ -z $OUTPUT_DIRECTORY && -n $1 ]] ; then OUTPUT_DIRECTORY=$(dirname $1) fi if [[ -n $OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ]] ; then cd $OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ; fi # 'chktex' command if [[ -n $CHKTEX ]] ; then check_programs "$CHKTEX_PROGRAM" if [[ -z $FILENAME ]] ; then FILENAME=${1%.tex} ; fi if [[ ! -e $FILENAME.tex ]] ; then die "Source file ${txtylw}$FILENAME.tex${txtrst} missing." fi $CHKTEX_PROGRAM $CHKTEX_OPT "$FILENAME.tex" || die mquit $? fi # Command to use: 'latex' or 'pdflatex': if [[ $THENAME == "latex.sh" ]] ; then LATEX_PROGRAM=$LATEX_PROGRAM else LATEX_PROGRAM=$PDFLATEX_PROGRAM fi TEXT=`echo $LATEX_PROGRAM | tr "a-z" "A-Z"` # First (pdf)latex compilation check_programs "$LATEX_PROGRAM" if [[ -z $USEPS4PDFARG ]] ; then if [[ ! -e $FILENAME.tex ]] ; then die "Source file ${txtylw}$FILENAME.tex${txtrst} missing." fi for X in `seq 1 $THRICE` ; do run_pdflatex done fi # Bibtext if [[ -n $MAKEBIBTEXARG || -n $MAKEONLYBIBTEXARG ]] ; then check_programs "$BIBTEX_PROGRAM" echo -ne "${txtund}BIBTEXT${txtrst}..." BIBERR=`$BIBTEX_PROGRAM "$FILENAME" 2>&-` BIBERR=`echo $BIBERR | grep -i error` if [[ -n $BIBERR ]] ; then echo -e "\t\t\t\t${txtred}[done] ${txtbld}(With errors!)${txtrst}" else echo -e "\t\t\t\t${txtgrn}[done]${txtrst}" AUXILIARYEXTS_BIBTEX="$AUXILIARYEXTS_BIBTEX log" fi run_pdflatex fi if [[ -n $MAKEONLYBIBTEXARG ]] ; then AUXILIARYEXTS=$AUXILIARYEXTS_BIBTEX cleanup "$FILENAME" mquit $? fi # Index INDEXFILENAME="$FILENAME.idx" if [[ -n $MAKEINDEXARG || -n $MAKEONLYINDEXARG ]] ; then check_programs "$MAKEINDEX_PROGRAM" if [[ -e $INDEXFILENAME ]] ; then echo -ne "${txtund}MAKEINDEX${txtrst}...\t\t\t\t" $MAKEINDEX_PROGRAM "$INDEXFILENAME" 2>&- || die echo "${txtgrn}[done]${txtrst}" run_pdflatex else echo -ne "Index file \"${txtylw}$INDEXFILENAME${txtrst}\" missing." echo " Skiping index..." fi fi if [[ -n $MAKEONLYINDEXARG ]] ; then AUXILIARYEXTS=$AUXILIARYEXTS_INDEX cleanup "$FILENAME" mquit $? fi # Final (pdf)latex compilation if [[ -z $USEPS4PDFARG ]] ; then run_pdflatex else # Ps4pdf check_programs "$PS4PDF_PROGRAM" if [[ ! -e $FILENAME.tex ]] ; then die "Source file ${txtylw}$FILENAME${txtrst} missing." fi echo -ne "${txtund}PS4PDF${txtrst}...\t\t\t\t" $PS4PDF_PROGRAM "$FILENAME" >&- 2>&- ERR=`egrep -i "error|emergency stop" "$FILENAME".log` if [[ -n $ERR ]] ; then echo -ne "${txtred}[done]" echo " ${txtbld}(With errors! See LOG file.)${txtrst}" else echo "${txtgrn}[done]${txtrst}" echo -ne "$TEXT...\t\t\t\t" $LATEX_PROGRAM $LATEX_BATCHMODE_OPT "$PS4PDF_LATEX_OPT \ \input{$FILENAME}" >&- 2>&- echo "${txtgrn}[done]${txtrst}" AUXILIARYEXTS="$AUXILIARYEXTS log" fi fi # Cleanup if [[ $LATEX_PROGRAM != "latex" ]] ; then AUXILIARYEXTS="$AUXILIARYEXTS dvi" fi cleanup "$FILENAME" # PDF browser if [[ -n $OPENPDFARG && -e $FILENAME.pdf ]] ; then check_programs "$PDF_VIEWER_PROGRAM" echo -en "${txtbld}BROWSER${txtrst}...\t\t\t\t" $PDF_VIEWER_PROGRAM "$FILENAME.pdf" 2>&- & echo "${txtgrn}${txtbld}[done]${txtrst}" mquit 0 fi mquit $?